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To uphold the Party's leadership calls for improving its leadership.

To unravel this mystery, we and others have turned to studies of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a growth factor that is known to be crucial for the development and survival of neurons in the striatum. 为了解开这个谜团,我们及其他人转而研究「脑源神经营养因子」(BDNF),那是一种生长因子,已知对于纹状体神经元的发育及存活扮演了决定性的角色。
To unsubscribe from hksnet.com, please enter email address and press the button. 如不希望再收到香港快网通讯,请输入阁下之电邮地址及按下按扭!
To unveil the truth of nature.he always chose mountains with only rough and dangerous roads.or desolate forests as ideal areas for research .and unexpectedly ,many beautiful seneries and montains were dicovered. 为了弄清大自然的真相他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人际稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景。
To update Managing Director at the different stages of the show periodically. 在展览的各个阶段,向董事总经理汇报状况。
To upgrade the information service level for clinic, teaching and research, Medical libraries ought to remodel the medical information service system, strengthen service consciousness, upgrade service levels. 摘要医学图书馆以服务为宗旨,为提高对临床医学和教学科研的服务水平,应重组医学情报信息服务的体系,加强服务意识,提高服务层次,用现代化的技术手段有效地服务于读者。
To uphold the Party's leadership calls for improving its leadership. 要坚持党的领导,必须改善党的领导。
To urge a country to liberalize or open its capital market too quickly or to request an overflow of capital in the country would only result in what we call“more haste,less speed” and would only undermine the economy of the country concerned. 过快地要求一个国家开放资本市场,过分地扩大资本的流动性,往往欲速不达,很可能破坏这个国家的经济。
To us all this was peculiarly distressing . 对我们来说这一切都特别令人苦恼。
To us the sun is the most important of all the heavenly bodies. 对我们来说太阳是所有天体中最重要的一个。
To us, a winner is one who respond authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsible, and genuine, both as an individual or as a member of a society. 据我们理解,一个成功者既代表个人又是社会的一份子,他的真实表现是可靠,可信,机敏,真诚。
To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society. 对我们而言,无论是作为个人还是作为社会的一员,优胜者都应该值得信赖、反映迅速、诚信可靠,以此来给予他人诚恳的回应。

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