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My warriors fear nothing, but I will not throw away their lives so cheaply.

My walls are strong, my men are in good heart, bring on your slings and arrows. 我的城墙十分坚固,我的手下士气高涨,来吧,用你可笑的弹弓和小箭。
My warlock last push was AWESOME. 上个版本我的术士可是很可怕的。
My warm coat and my sneakers are black. 我的棉衣和运动鞋也是黑色的。
My warmest coat is lined with fleece. 我那件最暖的大衣衬有绒毛里子.
My warmest congratulations to you on obtaining the scholarship to Harvard University. 最热诚地祝贺你荣获哈佛大学奖学金。
My warriors fear nothing, but I will not throw away their lives so cheaply. 我的战士是无所畏惧的,但是我不会白白浪费他们的生命。
My washing has really piled up. 我要洗的衣服真是堆成小山了.
My washing machine has been again. 我的洗衣机又<出问题>了。
My washing machine went on the blink this morning, so I have to go to the laundromat this afternoon to do the washing. 我的洗衣机没法用了,所以下午我只得到自助洗衣店去洗衣服。
My watch can't work, it needs repairing. 我的手表不会走了,需要修了。
My watch gains (by) several minutes a day. 我的表一天快几分钟.

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