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Based upon the formation mechanism of acne, this paper introduces the development ways, active ingredients such as balance oil secrete, remove superfluous oil of skin, dissolve acne cutin, antibacterium, repair dull scar, protect UV-A, anti-inflammation,

Based upon our rational cognition on new media platform and extensive operating experience, DPN reinforces its leading position in the development and deployment of DVB and digital multimedia platform in China. 凭借对广播电视新媒体平台的整体认识,再结合丰富的实际运作经验,DPN公司在中国数字移动电视和数字多媒体广播电视平台的开发和部署方面在同行竞争者中已经处于领先地位。
Based upon the above analysis, the article discusses how such cognitive principles act as cohesive devices and play a role in the formation of discoursal coherence. 以此为基础,文章探讨了这三种深层/隐性衔接手段如何作用于语篇连贯性的生成与建立。
Based upon the design of the project network MIS of the JINSAN electric group, we should discuss the design transact and computer communication programs that are under the windows program method and can run in the network surroundings. 并根据金山电气集团公司宝分公司企业网络数据库管理系统的实际设计过程,论述了用视窗化编程方法,设计能在网络环境下运行并处理与多机通信软件的过程。
Based upon the expatiation on thoughts of Hegel, Marx and Lenin, this paper expounds this idea and its methodological meaning. 这一观念在当代的方法论意义在于:可以经由分析一种哲学史观的合逻辑性,来判定与之相关的哲学学说在哲学史上的地位。
Based upon the follow-up survey in 2001 by Boyer's Commission in order to investigate the impact of its 1998 Report, as well as experiences from other developed countries, it is proposed that educational reform at research universities should has three pr 摘要以2001年博伊委员会对美国研究型大学落实其1998年报告建议的跟踪调查结果为主要依据,反思欧美发达国家改革的经验和教训,研究型大学本科教学改革应当遵循以发展知识为根本的科研与教学同生共进原则,以集体智慧为特征的新型学术自由原则,以因材施教为基础的新式精英教育原则。
Based upon the formation mechanism of acne, this paper introduces the development ways, active ingredients such as balance oil secrete, remove superfluous oil of skin, dissolve acne cutin, antibacterium, repair dull scar, protect UV-A, anti-inflammation, 摘要基于粉刺(青春痘、暗疮、痤疮)产生机理,从平衡油脂分泌、祛除皮肤多余油脂、溶解粉刺角栓、除菌、暗瘢修复、防UV-A紫外线、抗炎症、抗过敏、抗氧化、保湿、抗炎症后色素沉着、经皮给药(助渗)、活血和细致毛孔等方面介绍了协同增效抗痘化妆品的开发途径、活性成分和祛痘洗面奶、除菌消痤香皂、活血按摩膏、黑头导出液、消炎除痘焕采面膜、抗痘精华素、控油啫喱、消痘乳液、消痘膏、暗疮收口膏、祛印平疤修复霜、舒缓抗敏褪红霜、深层磨砂膏、收细毛孔精华等系列化妆品的配方和抗痘消痤护理流程。
Based upon the knowledge of that the Daoist thought was influenced by Yi jing, this paper makes a mutual interpretation of the symbolic meanings of chariotin hexagrams Kun (the 2(superscript nd) hexagram in the current version of Zhouyi) , Gou (the 44(sup 本文在道家思想受《易经》影响的认识基础上,对《易经》中的《坤》、《姤》、《剥》、《大壮》、《乾》等卦与道家文献的相关车舆之象的象徵意义进行相互阐发,并据以对《易经》与道家文献中涉及到车舆之象的文句进行诠释,以此探讨道家文献与《易经》在内在思想上的异同关联。
Based upon the present regulation, the design and construction check and structure strength check, the electric power generation water inlet anchor gate crane platform's hydro-engineering structure of Fushui power plant were conducted and an analysis for 摘要进行了富水电厂发电进水口闸门启闭机平台安全检测,依据现行规範对其建筑物进行了设计与施工复核、结构的强度复核和建筑物的裂缝成因分析。
Based upon the principle of fuzzy sets,in accordance with the function of human body,have suggested to defire the area of normal stress as well as the accident due to the super-stress or lowest stress. 按照模糊集理论,根据成员功能结构,提出了定义正常应激范围的方法以及过高过低应激导致的事故等不良后果。
Based upon the rare natural environment of CBD , Sunrise Time Zone is regarded as the ideal home and a model of Park Residential Property. 东一时区立足CBD稀有生态环境,全方位打造东区理想家园,是公园地产当之无愧的典范。
Based upon the spirit of “ solidarity, exploration, diligence, and pragmatism”, our company will incessantly win customer's trust and support by first class service to enlarge ourselves in ever fierce market competition. 公司本着“团结开拓、敬业务实”的企业精神,以优质的服务,不段赢得用户的信赖和支持,在激烈的市场竞争中日益壮大。

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