Consider complex curves as one integrated compound curve. In the case of complex curves with different radii, you can manage to get through by considering them as one curve.
把复合弯道变成一个弯来处理在过复合弯道时可以把他们变成一个弯来处理。当你遇到许多复合的不同半径的弯时,你可以把他们当成一个弯来对付。 |
Consider dismissing participants after they complete their portion of the meeting — as long as it's not important that they hear what is scheduled for the remainder of the meeting.
考虑让已经完成会议部分议程的人先离开-让他们留下了听会议的剩余计划议题已经不重要了。 |
Consider each initiation or dose increase of an oral glucose-lowering drug as a trial, monitoring the response in 2-6 months.
将每种降糖药物的起始应用或者加量都视为一次试验,在2-6月内监测药物反应。 |
Consider eliminating menu bars with three or fewer menu categories.
当菜单项少于3个的时候考虑去掉菜单栏。 |
Consider exploring document managementsystems instead.
你应该考虑使用“文件管理”系统。 |
Consider finding someone whom you can ask to correct you if there are words you are regularly pronouncing incorrectly.
如果有些单词你经常不能够正确发音,那就找一个能够帮你纠正发音的人。 |
Consider first the charge that Wall Street analysts puffed shares that their investment-banking colleagues were trying to flog.
我们先来看看第一项指控:那些华尔街分析员过分鼓吹了其在投行的那些同僚所极力推销的股票。 |
Consider further the similarities of water polo, polo, and soccer.
看看水球,足球的相似性。 |
Consider how colonialism has transformed gender relationships in at least two different societies.
思考在至少两个不同的社会中,殖民政策已如何改变性别关系? |
Consider how many things in the same indivisible time take place in each of us, things which concern the body and things which concern the soul: and so thou wilt not wonder if many more things, or rather all things which come into existence in that which
想一想,我们每个人身上每一瞬间同时发生了多少事情,有身体的,也有灵魂的:那么,如果更多的事情,或者所有的事物都在那惟一的大全中同时存在,你就不会感到惊讶,这一大全我们称之为宇宙。 |
Consider how much more frugal the poor are than we, how much better they forebear hardship.
想想贫困的人比我们节俭多少,他们忍受困境比我们强多少。 |