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More than one hundred people took part in the dinner party in honor of the old professor.

More than one fetus shares the space inside the mother\'s womb. 妈妈的子宫由多个多个胎儿分享。
More than one garment has been ruined by betel-nut spit. 好几件衣服被槟榔汁弄脏。
More than one garment has been ruined by food grease. 好几件衣服被汤汁油污弄脏。
More than one historian of economicthought has emphasized Bastiat's special abilities in undermining therationales for protectionism, socialism, and interventionism. 不止一个经济思想史学家强调巴斯夏在揭露保护主义、社会主义和干涉方主义基本原理方面的特殊才能。
More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions. 现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。
More than one hundred people took part in the dinner party in honor of the old professor. 一百多人出席了为老教授举行的聚餐会.
More than one in four people in Hong Kong has high blood pressure. 超过四分一的香港人患有高血压。
More than one in three fans plan to enjoy the Thursday game at home, with a further one in ten catching it at a pub. 超过三分之一的球迷打算周四在家观看比赛,而另有十分之一的球迷表示将在酒吧里看这场比赛。
More than one member protested against the proposal. 不止一个成员反对这个建议。
More than one person was invited. 接到邀请的不止一个人。
More than one school use this set of textbooks. 不止一个学校使用这套教材.

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