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Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory.

Data acquisition and control is an important part of nuclear electronic &nuclear detection application in HEP. 摘要数掘采集与控制是高能物理中核电子学应用的重要部分。
Data already often move between electronic and photonic forms at the periphery of a computer system, on their way to or from a CD or DVD, display monitor, mouse, camera, stereo amplifier or fiber-optic network. 在电脑系统的周边设备里,资料已经常在电与光的形式间变换,例如进出CD或DVD、显示器、滑鼠、照相机,立体声扩大机或是光纤网路。
Data also showed that the core measure of consumer inflation in March (excluding volatile food prices) fell 0.3 pct from a year earlier, the second straight monthly fall. 指标同时显示出3月核心消费通胀(排除食品价格)较去年下降0.3%。为第二个笔直下滑的月份。
Data analysis shows that cooperative study can improve the students' consciousness of cooperation, arouse their enthusiasm for study, improve their achievements and strengthen their ability to integrate with the society in the future. 实验数据分析表明:大学生合作学习的形式不仅可以促进合作意识的形成,激发学生的学习热情,而且对学生学习成绩结构的改善也具有明显的作用。
Data and graphs are easily exported as ASCII data for in-depth evaluation and manipulation using a spreadsheet software or for measurement reporting and publication. 数据和图表可以方便的输出成ASCII数据,用于电子数据表进行深入的评价和处理或者用于测量报告和发布.
Data and instructions are stored in a single read-write memory. 数据和指令都存放在可读写的主存中。
Data and instructions must be put into the system. 数据和指令必须被输入进系统。
Data backup, Format hard disk and reinstall Microsoft's' operation system, virus scaning or whole set upgrades. 重要资料备份、硬碟格式化及重灌微软全系列作业系统,解毒、扫毒或整组系统升级。
Data can be crammed much tighter on a CD than on a magnetic floppy or hard drive because a laser beam can be focused to a much smaller point than magnetic heads. 数据在光盘上的排列比在软盘或硬盘上更加紧密,原因是激光束可以比磁头聚焦到更小的点上。
Data can be easily exported using multiple file formats. 能以多种文件格式方便地输出数据.
Data can be processed interactively or automated for repetitive tasks or analysis. 数据之间可以相互作用,也可以自动套用多次反复的分析任务。

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