Difference of stress distribution, maintaining condition and long age between the concrete lining of road tunnel and permitted qualification of synthetic method of ultrasonic rebound are analyzed, and a principle is put forward that the lining strength sh
摘要对超声回弹综合法的应用条件与隧道衬砌在应力分布、养护环境和长龄期等方面的差异性进行了分析,然后基于隧道衬砌的类别划分,对超声回弹综合法的统一测强公式进行了多种形式的修正研究,优选出了能进行应力、养护环境和长龄期修正的参数公式。 |
Differences between the stndents from CRTVU and others are no table, due to law profssional training in CRTBU is adult education over a distance.
由于电大法学教育是成人教育,采用远程教育方式,与普通高等院校法学院的学生是有区别的。 |
Differences between the two countries have emerged after an Arab League delegation argued on Tuesday that the Security Council should call for both an immediate cease-fire and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon.
在阿拉伯国家联盟代表团星期二在联合国要求安理会呼吁立即停火以及以色列从黎巴嫩南部撤军后,美、法两国出现分歧。 |
Differences between them is correlated.
比较了它们之间的差异。 |
Differences in abdominal and neck circumferences in patients with and without obstructive sleep apnoea[J].Eur Respir J,1992 ;5 (4):377-81.
中华医学会睡眠呼吸疾病组.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症诊断指南(草案)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,2002;25(2):195-8. |
Differences in productivity are one explanation of this.
生产力之间的差异是对此的一个解释。 |
Differences in the quality of life within and between countries affect how long people live.
国家内部以及国家之间生活质量的差异影响到人们的寿命长短。 |
Differences in understanding are due to divergence and even antagonism in their views about the nature of society and science, methodology and policy process as well.
对政策本质认识分歧的成因大体可归结为社会本质观、科学本质观和方法论以及政策过程观等方面的差异甚至对立。 |
Differences made on account of ignorance, immorality, or disease are legitimate methods of fighting evil, and against them we have no word of protest; but discriminations based simply and solely on physical peculiarities, place of birth, color of skin, ar
由于愚昧、道德低下和疾病原因而加以区别对待,这是向恶势力作斗争的合法手段,我们对此无可非议;但是,纯粹由于生理上的特征,出生地点不同,肤色差异而加以歧视,这是毫无理智的人类兽性的陈迹,全世界将会,也必然会因此而感到羞耻。 |
Differences of opinion may exist,but they are settled easily through yielding or compromising.
不同的观点意见也可能会有,但常常在让步和妥协中轻而易举地达到统一。 |
Differences of the characteristics of hospitals (public/private, degree of hospital accreditation) lead to various case mix complexities.
住院病患特质除性别外,在年龄层、婚姻状况、生活收入、住所、住院途径等,均与住院病例组合复杂性有显着的差异。 |