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Barter is a very inconvenient means of trading because it requires the double coincidence of wants.

Bart: Yeah, Blowing you kisses and winking her eye. 巴特:对,送你飞吻和眨眼。
Bartacking for various kinds of clothing such suits, jeans and workclothes, also applicabe for eye-let button hole tacking. 适用于西服、牛仔裤等各类服装受力部位固结制圆头纽孔缝尾加固、及缝锁顶圆的平缝机。
Bartels is also a cofounder and managing director of Business Information Industry Association Asia Pacific Middle East (BIIA). 巴特尔也是亚太-中东地区商业信息产业协会(BIIA)的创始人之一和常务董事。
Bartender: What can I get you? 吧员:“我能给你来点什么?”
Bartenders shouldn't refuse further service of alcohol until a person begins exhibiting definite signs of intoxication. 调酒师只有在顾客出现明确醉酒特征后才可以拒绝为顾客提供酒水服务。
Barter is a very inconvenient means of trading because it requires the double coincidence of wants. 物物交换是一种很不方便的交易方式,因为买卖双方的需要都能吻合才行。
Barter sth. for... 用某物换取。。。
Barth, Gunther. City People: The Rise of Modern City Culture in Nineteenth-Century America. 1980. 《都市人:十九世纪美国的城市文化的兴起》1980.
Barthes, Roland. The World of Wrestling.In Mythologies. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972. 罗兰·巴特:〈角力的世界〉,出自《神话学》一书。纽约:希尔和王出版社,1972年版。
Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972. 罗兰?巴特:《神话学》。纽约:希尔和王出版社,1972年版。
Bartholomew Fair used to be one of the great national fairs dealing in cloth, livestock, etc., accompanied by a variety of amusements and entertainments, and it long held its place as a center of London life. 巴肖罗缪市场曾是全英国最大的市场之一,主要经营布料、家畜等,同时还有各种娱乐和消遣设施,曾经在一个相当长的时期内成为伦敦生活的中心。

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