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Nemo, don't move. -Unh! Unh!

Nelson: Ouch, my bottom. What game should we play? 呕!我的屁股!我们要玩什么游戏呢?
Nelson: Sara, life isn't perfect. 尼尔森:莎拉,生活不是完美的。
Nematodes are the definitive organic and pesticide free answer to grub problems you may have in your lawn or garden. 描述:线虫类是确定的有机的并且对农药免疫的导致你的草坪或公园问题的原因。
Nemesis Co+Me+Ba+Ck Adds long-lasting fire,cold,lightning and physical damage. 复仇女神增加火系,冰系,电系,和物理伤害的持续时间。
Nemo! -First day of school! 尼莫!-开学第一天!
Nemo, don't move. -Unh! Unh! 尼莫,不要动。-啊!啊!
Nemo: Tell all the fish to swim down together!Power of the grassroots? 让所有的鱼都一起往下游!草根的力量?
Nemo: “LOOK!! Someone busted the toilet pipes!!! 看!!谁把厕所的管道弄爆了!!!
Nemov's score was booed by spectators for 10 minutes bringing the competition to a standstill until the gymnast appealed for the crowd to calm down. 观众对于涅莫夫得分不满的嘘声持续了10分钟,这使比赛一度中断,直到涅莫夫本人要求观众冷静下来。
Nene had surgery Nov. 21 and initial reports were he likely would miss the rest of the season. But Nene's recovery has gone well, creating some optimism. 内内在11月21号做手术受,最初的报道说他将很有可能会错过本赛季剩余的比赛,不过内内恢复得相当好,给大家制造了一些惊喜。
Nene, who was injured with 2 minutes, 28 seconds remaining in the first quarter of Denver's 102-91 loss to San Antonio, will undergo knee surgery on a date to be determined. 内内,在丹佛以91:102输给圣安东尼奥的比赛中在第一节还有2分28秒的时候受伤下场,还要在约好的膝伤治疗后确定其伤势。

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