He is too old to walk that far.
他的年纪太大了,不能走那么远。 |
He is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.
他是我所认识的最固执己见的人。 |
He is too poor to maintain his family.
他太穷了,无法养活家人。 |
He is too proud now to be seen with his former friends.
他现在忘乎所以了,觉得跟以前的朋友在一起有失他的脸面。 |
He is too proud to see his own shortcoming.
他太傲慢了,看不到自己的缺点。 |
He is too self-conscious about his obesity.
他太在意自己的肥胖。 |
He is too sensitive to criticism.
他对批评太敏感。 |
He is too short to hang the picture.
他太小而不能挂起那幅画. |
He is too shrewd to trust in bussiness matters.
他在商业事务上太精明了,不能信赖。 |
He is too shy to mingle with others.
他由於太内向而怯于与他人交往。 |
He is too slow to understand the irony of his opponent.
他反应太迟钝,居然没 有听出对手的讽刺挖苦 之意. |