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Having canceled X-ray scan, the cancerous candidate on the canvas ate the idle candles in the candy can.

Having bought out his competitors, he now has the weather gauge in the industry. 他收买了竞争者的公司,现已在本行业中占了优势。
Having bought the shoes, you incurred an actual, or “sunk,” cost, and you are going to keep them around in the hope that eventually you will get your money's worth out of them. 买这双鞋子时,你就已花费了实际的「沉没成本」,你会把东西留著,期望有一天你花的钱会变得值得。
Having broken the Baathist regime, we face a remnant of violent Saddam supporters. 在粉碎复兴社会党的统治之后,我们面临残存的萨达姆死硬分子的暴力顽抗。
Having broken the Law of Value obviously and tried to solve the problem of economy depending on severe way of politics, as a result, it destroyed seriously daily system of foodstuff from supply to consumption in Shanghai, caused one fact that this city ha 由于明显违犯价格规律,试图用政治高压手段解决经济问题,结果严重扰乱了上海正常的粮食供销秩序,导致食米外流、城市缺粮,并激化了政府、米商和市民之间的三角矛盾,引发抢米风潮。
Having cadence or rhythm. 有节律的有韵律或节奏的
Having canceled X-ray scan, the cancerous candidate on the canvas ate the idle candles in the candy can. 取消X线扫描后,帆布上的癌症候选人吃了糖果罐里的闲置蜡烛。
Having career of Inventory management process. 具有库存管理流程经验。
Having cast off, she put down her needles. 收针完毕后,她放下了针。
Having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralysed parasite went to the paradise by parachute. 检查过仪器的参数后,瘫痪的寄生虫乘降落伞到天堂去了.
Having come so close to joining Chelsea last summer, Gerrard had been persuaded to test Liverpool's ambition for just one more season. It was worth the wait. 继去年夏天与切尔西擦肩而过之后,杰拉德被说服再给利物浦一个赛季的时间以检验其雄心壮志。现在看来,还是值得一等。
Having complained that came to nothing for a moment, then most people accepted as unavoidable unluckily, Too flower blow there expensive cost of living and return China. 投诉了一阵子没有结果,于是大部分人都自认倒霉,也花不起那里高昂的生活费,又返回了中国。

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