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B: Haven't you heard? Our football team has lost in the extramural match.

B: Guess what? I have another surprise for you, pumpkin. Look at the duty-free magazine. 猜怎么了?我有另外的惊喜给你,宝贝。瞧这本免税商品杂志。
B: Haha... Very good use of humorous. 哈哈。。。好一个“幽默”,用的真棒。
B: Have you brought your certificates as well? 你的学历证明也带来了吗?
B: Have you brought your three national (or federation) flags and cassette of your national (or federation) anthem with you? 三面国旗(会旗)以及国歌(或会歌)录音带都带来了吗?
B: Haven't you ever heard of an umbrella? 难道你没有听说过有伞这回事吗?
B: Haven't you heard? Our football team has lost in the extramural match. 你没听说吗?我们的足球队在校际比赛中输了。
B: Haven‘t you met yet? 你们还没见面吗?
B: He always sings as he works . 他总是一边唱歌一边工作。
B: He asked for it, I suppose. 我猜他是自找的。
B: He could at least drop me a lime to let me know he's O.K. 至少他总要写封短信,让我知道他平安吧。
B: He couldn't see any dents or scratches on the outside and the inside is clean, too. 因为他在车外看不到凹陷或刮痕,而车内又很干净。

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