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There are many kinds of fishes in the lake.

There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. 动物园里有许多种动物。
There are many kinds of cameras on the market. 市面上有许多种照相机。
There are many kinds of cheese. 奶酪有许多种。
There are many kinds of fast food in DanYang, such as Chinese doughnuts, steamed meat buns, noodles, steamed dumplings, wonton, soybean juice, spring rolls, and fried dough sticks. 丹阳有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、面条、蒸饺、水饺、豆浆、春卷、油条。
There are many kinds of fast food in Wuhan, such as Chinese doughnuts, steamed meat buns, hot-and-dry noodles, steamed dumplings, wonton, soybean juice, spring rolls, and fried dough sticks. 武汉有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、热干面、蒸饺、水饺、豆浆、春卷、油条。
There are many kinds of fishes in the lake. 湖里有各种各样的鱼。
There are many kinds of food in a supermarket. 超级市场里有很多种食品。
There are many kinds of fowl. 家禽的种类很多。
There are many kinds of low cost harmonica made in China with foreign brands, eg. from Japan. 低于100元的外国牌子国产琴还有很多,例如日本的牌子。
There are many kinds of neurotransmitters; two that are involved in anxiety are called serotonin and dopamine. 有很多种神经传递素:其中两种涉及焦虑症的神经传递素叫复合胺和多巴胺。
There are many kinds of silicones available for use in car care products, the one thing all silicones have in common is they are completely inert. 汽车护理产品中含有很多种硅树脂,但有一点相同的是,它是不活跃的。

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