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This revised edition is incomparable with the earlier ones.

This review summarized the main differences of compositions, odor and application of rose oil and tea rose oil. 3, 5-dimethuxytoluene is a very useful component of tea ruse oil. 摘要木文综述了玫瑰油和香水月季油成分的差异、香气的不同以及各自不同的用途。
This review summarizes researches on Tricholoma mongolicum. Mainly concerns domestication and cultivation, psychology, fairy ring ecology, pharmacological research and functional food development. 摘要对蒙古口蘑的驯化栽培、生理、蘑菇圈生态、药理学研究及功能性食品开发等方面进行了综述。
This review summarizes various ways to make occupational exposure assessment of benzene, the procedure of assessment, the grading of results, the application of exposure assessment. 摘要该文综述了对工业溶剂-苯的各种接触评估手段、评估步骤、结果分级及进行接触评估的意义。
This review will focus on the recent progress in human ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation. 本文就国外近年有关人类卵巢组织冷冻、移植的研究进展作一综述。
This review will outline the progress, technology, market prospect of stem cells and the troubles with wich stem cells are confronted. 就干细胞的研究概况、研究技术、干细胞技术的市场前景以及干细胞研究面临的问题等作一概述。
This revised edition is incomparable with the earlier ones. 这一修订本不可与先前的版本同日而语。
This revision improves the alignment of the endplate with the inner profile of the front wheels, lessening the turbulence when air passing over and underneath the wing impacts the wheels. 这个修正加强了终板和前轮内侧的校直,使通过翼面上下的气流在冲击轮胎后产生的乱流减小。
This revitalization can be either a stimulant to mental readiness and innovation or a tranquilizer or temporary escape from the pressures of daily life. 这种修复可能是对我们心智激励或是对于现实生活压力的一种改革或是一种镇定剂或是一种逃避。
This revival of nationalist research attracted people's attention to Chinese paintings, resulting from which were the rebirth of literati paintings and the establishment of research institutions and organizations of national paintings, fostering an overwh 这股复兴思潮促使国画再度受人关注,文人画重新崛起,国画研究机构与组织大量出现,对中国本位文化、民族性、民族精神、传统绘画本质特性、中西比较、民族形式诸问题的学术探讨蔚然成风。
This revolves in a circular stone channel, into which an attendant feeds linseed. 译文:石滚沿着一个环形石槽作圆周运动,石槽旁边有一人专门负责往槽里装亚麻籽。
This ribbon, 86 must not get wet , will 87 you 88 the electricity. 这条丝带不能弄湿,可以防止你触电。

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