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Children or young people often goof off.

Children never picked its blossoms, and travelers avoided the prickly bush. 小孩子们从来不去摘它的花,路过的旅客也避开这棵刺人的树欉。
Children of all ages should be outdoors several hours a day. 各个年龄段的孩子每天都应户外活动几个小时。
Children of slum dwellers play under a pushcart in New Delhi, India. 印度新德里,贫民窟的孩子们在一辆手推车下玩耍。
Children often ask naive questions. 孩子们常问一些天真的问题。
Children often play in the compound when it is not raining. 不下雨时孩子们常在院子里玩。
Children or young people often goof off. 我才不会忘掉我们那次去看电影的事呢。
Children play in a river of sewage in Nairobi's sprawling Mukuru Kaiyaba slum, a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos, the deadly carrier of malaria. 在内罗毕一个贫民窟中一条臭水沟边玩耍的儿童。大量滋生的蚊虫传播致命的疟疾。这种状况在非洲是严重的。
Children play on them during the day. 白天孩子们在炕上玩。
Children play with a mannequin displaying a head scarf at a street market in Malaysia. 马来西亚儿童正在玩一个头戴纱巾的假人模特。
Children prefer strawberry-flavored yogurt. 孩子们更喜欢草莓味儿的酸奶。
Children put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. 在孩子们睡觉之前,他们在床头挂上一只长统袜。

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