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“I saw that the goal was valid, but unfortunately the linesman did not see it. These are tight decisions and can be given or not,” said Coach Giampiero Gasperini.

“I really enjoyed myself,” said the Juventus star after the 3-2 Trofeo Berlusconi defeat yesterday evening. “我真的很开心,”尤文图斯的球星在昨晚贝鲁斯科尼杯2:3失利后说。
“I remember you now, the so-called art dealer. “我想起来了,你自称是艺术商人。”
“I replied that I wouldn't let him go for any reason in the world! “我答复了他,世界上任何理由也没法说服我让他离开!”
“I respect this club because they wanted me from Juventus, but I am not here to earn money without playing,” the former Perugia and Fiorentina man told newspaper A Bola. 我尊敬这家俱乐部,因为是他们从尤文图斯里要了我,但我不是只能在这里踢球赚钱.
“I saw bullets hit people's bodies,” Sheehan said.”There was blood everywhere.” She added: “My professor, Herr Bishop, I'm not sure if he's alive. “我看到子弹打到人身上,”史翰说.”到处窜血.”她补充道.”我们的导,何白勺,我不敢肯定他是不是还健在.”
“I saw that the goal was valid, but unfortunately the linesman did not see it. These are tight decisions and can be given or not,” said Coach Giampiero Gasperini. “我看到那个进球是有效的,但不幸的是巡边员并没有看见。这个严厉的判罚足以决定比赛的结果,”教练詹皮耶罗·加斯佩里尼说。
“I saw the pots . . . red-hot . . . and observed that they did not crack at all” (Daniel Defoe). “我看见缸子…又红又热…而且发现它们根本就不会破裂”(丹尼尔·狄佛)。
“I saw you had a travel book about America, and put two and two together. 我看见你又一本有关美国的旅游手册,当然就知道了。
“I say, look at that man!” said the boy suddenly, nodding towards the front window. “喂,你瞧那个人!”男孩突然朝前面的窗户点头说。
“I see him on the Bondi-to-Coogee walk every weekend and he's a gentleman . . . don't throw away people like rubbish,” one petitioner wrote. “每个周末,我都能看到他(迈伊勒斯)在邦迪海滩悠闲地散步,就像个绅士…别像丢垃圾那样把人抛弃,”一个请求者这样写道。
“I see so many women with neck pains and headaches and what I usually do is look for their purse and pick it up,” said Jane Sadler, a family practice physician at Baylor Medical Center in Garland, Texas. 德克萨斯州加兰市贝勒医疗中心的家庭实习医生简·萨德勒说:“很多女性都有颈椎病和头疼病,而我通常则会从她们用的手提包来找原因。”

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