Atisha says: Don't ponder over others' defects, it is none of your business. Don't interfere in others' lives, it is none of your business.
阿底峡?说:不要思考他人的缺陷,那不是你该管的事。不要介入他人的生活,那不是你该管的事。 |
Atishoo! Oh, not again! That's the third cold this winter.
啊嚏!够啦!这是今年冬天第三次感冒了。 |
Atkins companies have racked up millions of dollars in sales of specialty low-carb food products and carb-counting scales.
他的公司已经靠销售特制低碳水化合物食品和碳水化合物磅秤赚了数百万美元。 |
Atkins' books -- his latest, Atkins for Life,was published this year -- routinely top best-seller lists.
阿特金斯今年出版的新书《阿特金斯指导你的生活》照例名列畅销书排行榜之首。 |
Atkinson felt the fog inside the stadium was strong enough to make playing conditions impossible and so postponed the match one hour before kick off.
本场比赛的主裁判阿特金森认为场馆内的大雾无法让比赛正常进行,所以在比赛开始前一小时决定取消本场比赛。 |
Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick's co-defendant pleaded guilty today in Virginia to dogfighting charges.
亚特兰大猎鹰队四分卫麦克?维克的联合被告人今天在弗吉尼亚为斗狗事件辩护。 |
Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”.
亚特兰大以“大苹果”而著称。 |
Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.
亚特兰大很快就从内战的毁坏中恢复过来了。 |
Atlanteans used their flying machines, Vailixi,a similar type of aircraft, to literally try and subjugate the world, it would seem, if Indian texts are to be believed.
亚特兰蒂斯人使用他们的飞行机器,“维利斯”,一种相似类型的航行器,按字面意思是尝试和征服世界,如果印度经典是可靠的话,这看起来便是这样了。 |
Atlantic Canada accounted for 13 deaths and 52 near-drownings among children under age 14, or 22 per cent of child drownings for a region with seven per cent of the Canadian population, the Canadian Red Cross said Monday.
周一加拿大红十字会说,加拿大大西洋地区解释了14岁以下儿童13人死亡和52人几乎溺死或拥有加拿大人口7%的地区有22%的儿童溺水。 |
Atlantic City had the glitz and glamour – weighed down by crime and poverty.
大西洋都城的耀眼魅力就在于-已经被犯罪和贫困所拖垮。 |