Loneliness's what I am seeking for within dark night?
孤寂的我在黑夜里寻觅着什么? |
Loneliness, boredom and fear are most common for those younger than 10 years of age.
寂寞,无聊和恐惧是10岁以下儿童最常见的问题。 |
Lonely Planet advises tourists to steer clear of Chocó on the Pacific coast, Putumayo in the far south and “anywhere east of the Andes”, where there are still guerrillas.
“孤独行星”公司建议游客避开太平洋沿岸的乔格、最南端的普土马由河地区以及“安第斯山脉东部各地区”,因为这些地方仍有游击队出没。 |
Lonely girl: No. They always said I was a dinosaur.
小孤女说:没有,他们总说我是恐龙。 |
Lonely mountains gaze at the stars,
寂寞的山凝望星空, |
Lonely rivers flow to the sea,
寂寞的河流入大海, |
Lonely rivers sigh:
寂寞的河叹息: |
Lonesome is shaking in my heart.
我的心也在寂寞中摇摆。 |
Long , long ago , there was a ferocious demon called “nian”. It did evil things everywhere .
传说在很古很古的时候,“年”是一只凶恶的怪兽,到处做恶。 |
Long Live Chinese (11): Title says it all.
华人万岁:歌名表明了一切。 |
Long Shimmering Brown Shirt ----- Made from iridescent crinkled fabric designed with wrinkles and pleats, this simple shirt is brought to life with some exquisite details in unexpected places.
泛着金属光泽的金属丝面料经过各种抓皱、打褶的处理,细节出现在各种始料未及的部位,一件简单的衣物立刻有了别致的设计感。 |