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He wouldn't have been able to defeat Voldemort in the duel except for the fact that his wand was a mate of Voldemort's.

He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any attempt to let him change will only be ploughing the air. 只要打定了主意,他是绝对不会再改变的。你再劝他也只是白费力气。
He wouldn't come,’ replied the Rat simply. ‘Badger hates Society, and invitations, and dinner, and all that sort of thing. “他不会来的,”河鼠简单地说。“獾最讨厌社交活动,请客吃饭一类的事。”
He wouldn't do such silly things if he had a morsel of sense. 他要是有一点常识的话,就不会干这种傻事。
He wouldn't even open up the door. 他甚至不想打开大门.
He wouldn't have an inexperienced rider mount a nervous or unpredictable horse, for example. 他不会让一个缺乏经验的人骑上紧张或不可预知的马匹,比如.
He wouldn't have been able to defeat Voldemort in the duel except for the fact that his wand was a mate of Voldemort's. 他并不能在决斗中对抗伏地魔,如果他的魔杖不和伏地魔的是一对。
He wouldn't hear of my walking home alone. 他不许我单独一人走回家。
He wouldn't let the doctor take his blood pressure. 他不愿意让医生量他的血压。
He wouldn't say rude things about her to her face. 他不会当着她的面说关于她的粗鲁话。
He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay. 如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。
He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay. 如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱。

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