Sword of Power (Level 2) - Gandalf`s sword is struck by lightning. +3 damage /level for 8 seconds / level .50 spirit.
强力剑击(要求等级2),刚多尔夫的剑附着上闪电.8秒内每升1级+3攻击威力.使用50法力点. |
Swords brandished and banners waved.
刀剑挥舞,旌旗飘扬。 |
Sy Sternberg, who-first-joined New York Life in 1989-as seniorvice president in charge of the group insurancedepartment, took the helm as chairman, president and CEO following the retirement of Harry Hohn.
史端博在霍恩退休之后接掌董事长、总裁兼执行长,他1989年加入纽约人寿,担任负责团体保险部门的高级副总裁。 |
Sy-Kang Shen, Bor-Chyun Wang, Ching-Yin Lee and Tsung-Chih Lin, “A Modified QFT Design Method for a Cascaded Multiple Loop System and Application in Idle Speed Control”, 1999 International Symposium on Quantitative Feedback Theory and Robust Frequency Dom
[22古碧源,李清吟,颜坤鸿,杨仲健,林春福,二极体接地捷运直流供电系统之接地电位与杂散电流,第十九届电力工程研讨会论文集,第677至681页,(1998). |
Sybella: We anticipate positive results.
我们预期有这个结果。 |
Sycomore figs are found throughout tropical Africa.
埃及无花果,遍布热非洲。 |
Sydney - Australia could have nuclear power stations within 15 years, according to a panel set up by Prime Minister John Howard to look at nuclear as an energy option.
悉尼-澳大利亚要在15年内建成核电站,按照澳大利亚总理霍华德选择核能作为一种能源的计划。 |
Sydney 9:00—12:00 English study. 12:15—13:00 lunch break. 13:30-17:30 to Sydney Tower to grab a breath taking view of Sydney-the world's most beautiful city, visit QVB. Dinner at 17:45. Then back to hotel to self-study.
悉尼9:00-12:00英语学习,12:15-13:00午餐,13:30—17:30坐单轨车游览市中心,登悉尼塔俯瞰悉尼的秀丽景色,参观维多利亚女皇大厦。17:45返回酒店晚餐,自习。 |
Sydney Brenner receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty the King at the Stockholm Concert Hall.
2002年诺贝尔医学与生理学颁奖仪式,瑞典斯德哥尔摩音乐厅. |
Sydney Harbour Bridge is the widest Longspan Bridge in the world. How wide is the deck?
悉尼港口大桥是世界上最宽的大跨度桥梁。桥面有多宽? |
Sydney Summer Olympics in 2000------Share theSpirit.
悉尼夏季奥运会------分享奥林匹克精神。 |