He tells the kids a story. Many years ago, nurses found a baby in the street, the baby was very sick, and he was choking for breath.
阿姨们把这个婴儿带回孤儿院并把他抚养成人,她们给他取名叫山姆。” |
He tells us his contentment is a learned quality (Philippians 4:11), and the key to experiencing it is refusing anxiety, choosing instead to trust our sovereign God with life's trials.
他告诉我们他的这种满足感是一种学习到的品质(腓立比书4:11),经历这样的满足关键是要远离焦虑,在生活的试探面前把信心向上帝的主权交托。 |
He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again.
他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。 |
He tells us that the Harold Ford ad in Tennessee appears to have increased early voting in that state.
他告诉我们,哈罗得·福特在田纳西州的传闻似乎是那个州的早期选票上涨。 |
He tended to each horse despite the pain he felt.
在确信一切都没问题之后,他才返回驻地。 |
He tendered his resignation to the school.
他向学校献上辞呈。 |
He tends to get angry when people oppose to his plan.
别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气。 |
He tends to idealize his life in the army.
他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。 |
He tends to overestimate his own abilities.
他总是想过高地评价自己的能力。 |
He tends to recoil from making difficult decisions.
他在难以作出决定时往往踌躇不前。 |
He tends to snap at people when he gets impatient.
他一不耐烦的时候就对人没有好声气。 |