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Angry with him, she complained all day.

Angry fiddle players take over the U.N. building. 生气的、无聊的玩家会接管联合国。
Angry for a loss and dreadful performance. 如果糟糕的表现而且输了,就“生气”。
Angry librarian: Please be quite. The people near you can't read. 生气的图书管理员:请安静。挨着你的人看不了书了。
Angry passengers were offloaded from the plane early Sunday morning after the pilot refused to fly until he caught up with his sleep. 周日一大早,飞行员太困了,因此拒绝起飞。乘客被赶下飞机,个个怒气冲冲。
Angry to take others do wrong thing punish oneself. 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。
Angry with him, she complained all day. 对他愤恨,她整日抱怨。
Anguish comes; and they seek peace, but there is none. 25痛苦来到了,他们求平安,却没有平安。
Anguished victims of the earthquake; anguished screams for help. 地震极度痛苦的受害者;痛苦的呼救声
Angular Momentum : a quantity associated with how an object moves around a reference point. 角动量:与一个物体绕参考点运动有关的度量。
Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point. 角距离,是由一定点到两物体之间所量度的夹角。
Angular forms, outlines, or corners. 角形角形,角的轮廓或棱角

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