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Desert Camouflage: 4-colour (tan, brown, green and black) in a woodland pattern, used by ground forces units in northwest China.

Desdemona. Why do you speak so faintly? Are you not well? 苔丝狄蒙娜您怎麽说话这样没有劲?您不大舒服吗?
Desdemona. Wouldst thou do such a deed for all the world? 苔丝狄蒙娜难道你愿意为了整个的世界而干这种事吗?
Desdemona. You may, indeed, say so; For 'twas that hand that gave away my heart. 苔丝狄蒙娜您真的可以这样说,因为就是这一只手把我的心献给您的。
Deseed the cardamon, fry it in the saucepan with oil. Then add garlic &ginger. 取出小豆蔻籽,放入镬中与油同炒至香气溢出.加入蒜头及姜同炒.
Desembarco del Granma National Park, with its uplifted marine terraces and associated ongoing development of karst topography and features, represents a globally significant example of geomorphologic and physiographic features and ongoing geological proce 格朗玛的德桑巴尔科公园上升的海底及其那里的喀斯特地形、地貌的发展,展现了有世界意义的地貌、地形的演变过程。
Desert Camouflage: 4-colour (tan, brown, green and black) in a woodland pattern, used by ground forces units in northwest China. 沙漠迷彩:4色(褐色,棕色,绿色和黑色)丛林图样,在西北地面部队出现。
Desert Combat swiftly became a project with over twenty contributors and over 3 million cumulative downloads – a pleasant surprise. 《沙漠战斗》很快的成为一个拥有超过20个资助人,超过3百万累计下载的游戏,这是一个惊喜。
Desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and wild goats will bleat to each other; there the night creatures will also repose and find for themselves places of rest. 14旷野的走兽,要和豺狼相遇。野山羊,要与伴偶对叫。夜间的怪物,必在那里栖身,自找安歇之处。
Desert dust and particulate matter in the city had been known to force the pollution index into warning territory, above 300, which means people should stay indoors. 这座城市的沙尘和微粒污染指数达到300以上,这意味着人们必须待在家里。
Desert puddles and mud holes: Water is a preciously scarce resource for all living things in the desert. 沙漠里的水坑和泥泞的洞,对于在沙漠里所有的生物,水是很珍贵和稀小的资源。
Desert snails may even doze for three or four years. 沙漠中的蜗牛甚至能一睡三四年。

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