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Several explanations have been proposed, including cycles of magnetic activity somewhat similar to our own Sun's sunspot cycle, the action of companion stars orbiting around the dying star, and stellar pulsations.

Several eminent scientists number among his friends. 他的朋友中有好几位杰出的科学家。
Several end users have taken offers in late March and we may see some of these translate into real business early April. 一些终端用户在5月下旬接受了报盘,部分有望在4月上旬转化成真正的业务?
Several etiologic factors have been proposed for the development of LCINS, including exposure to radon, cooking fumes, asbestos, heavy metals, and environmental tobacco smoke, human papillomavirus infection, and inherited genetic susceptibility. 病因学认为氡、烹调产生的油烟、石棉、重金属、环境性吸烟、人类乳头瘤病毒的感染以及遗传易感性均是从这类人群发生肺癌的危险因素。
Several examples coming from industries or laboratories are illustrated and compared with the conventional ocean chemical engineering processes. 所选实例大部分来自工业实践和本实验室的研究成果。
Several experts monitored the city's drinking water for impurities. 几位专家测试了这个城市的饮用水中的杂质。
Several explanations have been proposed, including cycles of magnetic activity somewhat similar to our own Sun's sunspot cycle, the action of companion stars orbiting around the dying star, and stellar pulsations. 现在有几个被提出的解释,包括像我们自己的太阳黑子周期的磁场周期活动,围绕衰老的恒星轨道有规律运动的伴星。
Several explanations spring to mind for the discrepancy between perceived opportunities and actual behaviour. 有些理由可以解释理想的机会和现实的行为之间存在的矛盾。
Several factors affecting the melting of silica flux, such as the size of silica flux, matte grade, blowing air and oxygen enrichment were discussed. 主要考察了熔剂粒度、冰铜品位、鼓入气体流量和氧浓度对石英溶剂熔化的影响。
Several factors are getting in the way. 有许多因素在挡着路。
Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan. 好几个因素合并在一起不利于我们计画的成功。
Several factors deter new industry from coming to the city. 许多因素造成了新工业无法进入这座城市。

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