French Brothers Limited Rogate sorbic acid producers, The company only waxy corn raw material production bases in mainland China business cooperation. 2007 with Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, several other food-processing businesse
2007年先后与安徽、福建、广东、上海、浙江、江苏等地的多家食品加工企业合作,组建食品加工专用糯玉米(主要用于生产黄金豆,爆米花,爆锅,爆米花等)生产基地。 |
French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier on Thursday urged Iran not to resume uranium.
法国外长巴尼耶12日在巴黎警告伊朗不要重启铀浓缩活动。 |
French King Louis XVI died regally, according to his executioner's account written to correct reports that his nerve broke when faced with the revolutionary mob and the guillotine in January 1793.
1793年1月,法国资产阶级革命将国王路易十六送上了断头台。在大部分文学作品里,路易十六的形象多被刻画成昏庸无能、胆小懦弱,而日前公开的一封被尘封了200多年的行刑者信件中则写到:路易十六“死得像个君主”。 |
French National flag has three colors, they are red, white and blue.
法国国旗有三种颜色,即红,白,蓝。 |
French President Jacques Chirac ends his final full day in office Tuesday with an evening farewell speech to the nation that he has led for 12 years.
法国总统希拉克于本周二结束了自己最后一天的工作,并于当晚向自己领导了12年的国家发表了告别演说。 |
French President Jacques Chirac got a birthday cake from his Latvian host but no surprise visit from Russian President Vladimir Putin to mark his 74th birthday.
为了彰显他74岁的生日,法国总统席哈克从他的拉脱维亚东道主手中获得一个生日蛋糕,但却少了俄罗斯总统普廷的惊喜造访。 |
French President Jacques Chirac set the tone for the 60th anniversary commemoration in January by saying it would stress this community of values that unite democracies and transcend yesterday's rivalriesand announced Germany would attend.
今年一月,法国总统雅克·希拉克就为六十周年纪念奠定了基调,他称此次纪念将强调“共同的价值观,它能使民主国家团结在一起,并且超越过去的仇恨”,他还宣布德国也将出席纪念活动。 |
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, rarely shy in front of cameras, found enough was enough Sunday when chased down by two news photographers while boating in his bathing suit on his American holiday.
法国总统尼古拉斯?萨科奇在镜头面前很少害羞,可上周日,当这位在美国度假的总统先生穿着泳裤划船被两名摄影记者追踪时,他可实在是受够了。 |
French Revolution: Won, primarily due to the fact that the opponent was also French.
法国大革命:赢了,主要是因为这个事实:大多数反对者也是法国人。 |
French Sudan gains autonomy as a self-governing member of the French Community.
1958年,法国的苏丹作为法兰西共同体的独立自治成员获得了自治权。 |
French actress, Sophie Marceau, takes on the role of the Swiss mother/governess with gracious intelligence.
苏菲-玛索以其优雅的智慧饰演了这位瑞士家庭女教师。 |