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But that still leaves millions of fans poised for more World Cup action.

But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has advocated apostasy from Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and ransomed you from the slave house, in order to force you out of the way in which Jehova 5那申言者或是那作梦的,既用言语叛逆那领你们出埃及地,救赎你脱离为奴之家的耶和华你们的神,要勾引你离开耶和华你神所吩咐你行的道路,他就要被处死。
But that raises a further question: if left-handedness is beneficial, then why is it so rare? 但是那样却又提出了一个更深一层的问题:要是左撇子真的有利,可为什么他们的数量那么少呢?
But that really reformulates the puzzle in a different form; why are hurdle rates so high? 但是这又引出了形式不同、性质相同的另一个问题:门槛为何如此之高?
But that refers to the fact that the Sun reflects very little compared to how much it emits. 其实这指的是相对太阳发射出的大量光和热,它几乎不反射什么光和热。
But that solution is a long way off. 但是那种解决方案也需要走一条很长的路。
But that still leaves millions of fans poised for more World Cup action. 尽管如此,仍然有数百万的球迷期待世界杯上的更多精彩。
But that tactic no longer works. 但是这个策略如今却不再行之有效。
But that view is based on a caricature of Israel as it strikes much of the world now: the strong and expansionist country that resorts to violence instead of compromise. 然而这种想法必定又来自世人对以色列的印象,认为它是一个扩张中的强国,一切诉诸武力,拒绝谈话。
But that vision alone is not enough. 但只有愿景是不够的。
But that was because they were looking at the future from a standpoint where computers were huge things that took whole rooms full and spinning wheels of magnetic tape. 但那是因为过去人们展望未来的时候,计算机还是转着磁带的庞然大物。
But that was delayed a day so that the crew could conduct an unprecedented third inspection of their ship's heat shield. 但却推迟了一天,所以宇航员们可以组织空前的(从未有过的)第三次隔热瓦检查.

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