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“Typically vehicles fitted with WOVM on major panels and VIN/compliance identifiers will receive maximum score in IAG Australia's vehicle identification testing.

“Twenty dollars,”said Madame, lifting the mass with a practise hand. “20块钱。”夫人用熟练的手法抓起头发说。
“Twenty-three, sir” said the Swede clearly and well. “二十三,先生”那个瑞典人回答得既清楚又好听。
“Two important consequences can be drawn from the SOC hypothesis. “从SOC假说可以引出两项重要的后果。”
“Two separate analyses were done to create the represented data. Usage analysis from water meter data and a Hydraulic Model of the system. 我们分别用了两种分析方法来创建代表性数据集,这两种分析方法都是基于水表数据和系统水压模型。
“Two, actually,” she would later recount to her most trusted priestess. 事实上是两击”,她会对她最信任的女祭司这样说。
“Typically vehicles fitted with WOVM on major panels and VIN/compliance identifiers will receive maximum score in IAG Australia's vehicle identification testing. 典型的车辆在主要的仪表板安装有WOVM和VIN/识别符将在IAG澳洲的车辆识别测试中得到满分。
“Uhhuh. Because now I've finally got a room of my own. “唔,因为现在我总算有我自己的房间。”
“Ultimately, all of my investments start with how I use my time. 总而言之,我生命中的所有投资回报取决于我如何支配时间。
“Um. I wanna know something else. “恩,我还想知道一件事。”
“Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave school. “由于不能说服其他人,他决定离开学校。”
“Unauthorizedbiographies also have their appeal,however,since they can suggest an independence of mind in the biographer. 未经授权的传记也有其吸引人之处,因为传记作家可以独立思考。

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