5 Now, because of this precision, it is possible for planes to fly both ways down a 10-mile air corridor, thus doubling the capacity of existing airlanes.
译文一:正由于这种准确度,现在飞机能在10英里宽的空中走廊内,分成两路各自降落,把航线容量扩大了一倍。 |
5 Oil refinery: Refers to a business that uses oil as its raw material to engage in the manufacture of petroleum products through the process of distillation, refining, or blending.
五石油炼制业:指以石油为原料,经蒸馏、精炼及掺配之炼制程序,从事制造石油制品之事业。 |
5 Our Service has warehouses in Zhanjiang Base and Tanggu Base.
我们公司在湛江和塘沽基地都有泥浆材料库房。 |
5 Parts used for oxygen service must be labelled accordingly and preserved with adequate packaging.
用于氧的服务中的零件必须标识,和采用适当包装方法对其进行保护。 |
5 Party B shall not bring into or store any explosives, inflammable or other illegal items in the Leased Premises.
乙方不得在房屋内存放任何易燃、易爆物品或其它违法物品。 |
5 People depend on these reservoirs for their daily water supply.
人们需要这些蓄水池,以获得食水供应. |
5 Perhaps, given their image as rapacious capitalists, there may be a touch of calculation about their efforts.
尽管基金经理往往给人以贪婪的资本家的印象,他们也做出了一点贡献。 |
5 Physical differences are not so difficult to adapt oneself to as religious, ethical and irrational ones.
5比起宗教的、伦理的和不合乎常理的差异来说,物质的差异适应起来不那么困难。 |
5 Plasticity -On the basis of observations made during he toughness test, describe the plasticity of the material in accordance with the criteria given in Table 11.
5塑性-在韧性试验过程中,开始观察时,按照表11中的标准描述这种材料的塑性. |
5 Playable Factions – England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Norway.
5个可选派系-英格兰,爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士,挪威。 |
5 Playable factions – Kingdom of Jerusalem, Principality of Antioch, Egypt, Turks, Byzantium.
5个可选派系-耶路撒冷王国,安提俄克公国,埃及,土耳其,拜占庭。 |