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And it is connected to the arts and humanities, because works of art and scholarship are products of the human mind.

And it has very good liquidity and easy to fill that can make the surface perfect when founded. 其流动性及填充性好,能得到良好的成型性和铸模强度。
And it helps teachers make their own experience develop from small to big, from segmental to systematic, horn visible to reasonable and from specific to general, and promotes the power for understanding of teachers and strengthens the professional abiliti 它帮助教师使自己的经验由幼小到壮大,由零散到系统,由感性到理性,由具体到一般;它提高教师的教育理解力,增强教师的职业本领,改善教师的生活质量,让教师更加幸福。
And it is also a snub to China, which has been convening the six-way effort. 同时也显示出朝鲜无视中国一直以来在六方和谈上的努力。
And it is an architectural masterpiece. 它是一座山顶圣堂,印加人在这儿膜拜天神。
And it is an imperfect predictor of who will win the Iowa caucuses, let alone the Republican presidential nomination. 它也无法准确预测,到底谁将在爱州的核心会议上获胜,更别提共和党的总统提名了。
And it is connected to the arts and humanities, because works of art and scholarship are products of the human mind. 而心理学又与艺术和人文学科有关连,因为这些作品是人类心智的产物。
And it is difficult in words to transmit the importance of this event so we will do it with you energetically. 很难用言语来传达给你们这次事件的重要性,所以我们将透过能量来传达。
And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. 17天地废去,较比律法的一点一画落空还容易。
And it is efficiently used as it dissolves uniformly. 因为能够均匀的溶入水中,因此电极的利用率很高。
And it is exacerbated by the return of millions of war refugees and by decades of upheaval that have left land tenure in chaos. 此外,几百万战时难民的返乡,以及数十年战乱带来的土地所有权的混乱,也都是问题恶化的主要原因。
And it is expected that other interested parties may launch counter bids which could yet frustrate News Corporation\'s plans. 他还希望其他有关当事人能投放竟标也许能阻止新闻集团的计划。

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