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31 old Kenteris suffers injured and wound his leg, and Thanou also have leg injuries.

31 Please put the chairs down. 请把椅子放下来。
31 Show me your ticket please. 请出示您的机票。
31 The misunderstood man underwent his boss's thunder. 被误解的人遭受了上司的怒喝。
31 We must take action before it is too late. 我们必须及早采取行动。
31 cancer patients with symptomatic pericardial effusion were treated by subxiphoid pericardiotomy with simultaneous pleuropericardial window creation. 摘要31个癌症病人因大量心胞膜积水接受剑突下心包膜切开术及肋膜心包膜开窗术。
31 old Kenteris suffers injured and wound his leg, and Thanou also have leg injuries. 31岁的肯特里斯在车祸中受了不少伤,脚上的伤尤其严重。
31 orchards in Shanghai were surveyed and evaluated by synthetical method, which integrated strict control index and general control index, adopted corresponding regional, national and trade standard. 摘要通过对上海郊区31个果园基地进行实地采土分析,应用国家、行业和地方的相关标准,采用严格控制指标和一般控制指标相结合的方法进行综合评价。
312 Accordingly, the end for multiple reGREssion as against linear regression appeared quite reasonable. 因此,同线性回归相比,这种对多元回归的需要看来是颇有道理的。
3130 Low-VOC is a alcohol-based water-soluble flux, stored in a well-ventilated ambient temperature area with no direct sunlight. 3130是低挥发VOC的水溶性助焊剂,应储存在通风的地方,及不被阳光照射。
316 stainless steel ball and stem are available on many NIBCO ball valves – see catalog specification sheets to identify what valves are available or consult factory. 在许多美国尼伯科球阀上可以配置316不锈钢球和阀杆-请参阅样本中的规格说明,选择适用的的阀门,或咨询工厂。
31th July. We got back to Guangzhou! Got home! 7月31日.我们回到广州!回家了!

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