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MASTER ITALIANO-ITALIAN SOULis the max of the tradition and the modern,the traditional produces wines with modern taste and a major care for the wine producing stage.The sprightly color,the streamline design adorn the bottles,feels the charm of ITALIAN SO

Lust, Cautionmarks Ang Lee's return to Chinese-language film after making The Hulkand the gay romance Brokeback Mountain,which earned Lee Oscar a best director Oscar earlier this year. 《色·戒》标志着李安在拍摄《绿巨人》和《断背山》后开始回归汉语影片。讲述同性恋题材的《断背山》为李安赢得了2006年的奥斯卡最佳导演奖。
Lust, Cautionmarks Lee's return to Chinese-language films after shooting The Hulkand the gay romance Brokeback Mountain,which won Lee an Oscar for best director earlier this year. 《色戒》标志着李安继《绿巨人》和同性恋题材的电影《断臂山》获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖后回归到华语电影的拍摄。
Lust, Caution,based on a 26-page short story by famed Chinese writer Eileen Chang, is about a group of patriotic students who plot to assassinate the intelligence chief in the Japanese-backed Chinese government during the World War II era. 《色·戒》改编自张爱玲26页的短篇小说,内容讲述了二战期间一群爱国学生试图刺杀亲日派汪精卫政府中的一名情报高官。
Lust, Caution,based on a short story by famed Chinese writer Eileen Chang, is about a group of patriotic students who plot to assassinate the intelligence chief in the Japanese-backed Chinese government during the World War II era. 《色?戒》改编自著名作家张爱玲的同名短篇小说,讲述的是在二战期间一群爱国学生不堪忍受日本控制的中国傀儡政府统治而密谋暗杀特务头子的故事。
Mis for motivation, self-discipline and spurring yourself on as well as motivating people to excel. 代表干劲、自律、自勉,同时,勉励他人超越自我。
MASTER ITALIANO-ITALIAN SOULis the max of the tradition and the modern,the traditional produces wines with modern taste and a major care for the wine producing stage.The sprightly color,the streamline design adorn the bottles,feels the charm of ITALIAN SO “意大利大师”结合了传统与现代,传统的酿造工艺、现代的口味需求,巧妙的结合在一起,瓶体包装上,明快的色彩、流线型的造型,都能够让人在品味醉人的葡萄酒时,感受到“意大利之魂”的魅力。
MAYBE MY GUARD WAS DOWN. “或许是我的保护能力下降了。
MHe opened his account for the club by equalising against Liverpool in the Community Shield clash at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. 社区盾杯上对利物浦他为俱乐部攻入了加入切尔西的首球。
MIGHT I HAVE A BIT OF EARHT? 12「我可以有一小块地吗?
MULDERcasually releases GIBSON PRAISE's arm. GIBSON PRAISE runs away. MULDERwalks few steps toward the edge of the cliff. DOGGETT follows. (“莫特”随意的松开了吉普森普雷兹的胳膊。吉普森普雷兹跑开了。“莫特”朝悬崖走了几步。道根跟着。)
MULDERlooks at the ground then back at DOGGETT. DOGGETT stares at MULDERwho looks coldly back at him. MULDERbegins walking backward toward the cliff. (“莫特”看看地之后看着道根。道根看着冷眼看着他的“莫特”。“莫特”开始朝悬崖走。)

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