Switzerland swept the board in the skiing competition.
瑞士在滑雪比赛中囊括了所有的奖项. |
Switzerland watches are the best .
最好的表是瑞士表. |
Switzerland's UBS says it is on track to take a fifth of Beijing Securities, one of the largest Chinese brokers, though is awaiting final approval.
瑞士联合银行称他们将收购北京证券(中国最大的券商之一)20%的股份,目前正在等待最后的批准。 |
Switzerland's attitude showed their objective and unbiased view on Chinese market economy, and thus laid a firmer foundation and created a fairer environment for the further development of China-Switzerland economic ties.
他说,这体现了瑞士对中国市场经济建设成就客观、公正的评价,从而为中瑞经贸关系的全面发展营造了公平环境,奠定了更坚实的基础。 |
Switzerland, fourth overall, has the highest average life expectancy, at 80.5 years, while the UK achieves 78.4 and Latvia ranks lowest with 70.7.
位居第四的瑞士人均寿命最长,达到80.5岁;英国为78.4岁;拉脱维亚最短,为70.7岁。 |
Switzerland: A pine tree, which symbolizes luck and fertility, is planted at the couple's new home.
瑞士:新婚夫妇的新家里会种上一棵松树,象征着运气和生育。 |
Swivel bridges have common character, that is to assemble half bridges on land and then to swivel two half-bridges to unite them into one structure.
摘要转体桥是以陆上拼装制作半桥、旋转合龙形成主桥为特点的一类桥梁的总称。 |
Swoff and his fellow Marines sustain themselves with sardonic humanity and wicked comedy on blazing desert fields in a country they don't understand against an enemy they can't see for a cause they don't fully fathom...
作为美国海军陆战队的一员,经历了两年的艰苦训练,年仅20岁的狙击手安东尼?斯沃福德(杰克?吉伦哈尔饰)肩上扛着100磅重的装备辎重、手上拿着狙击步枪、满怀对于战争的憧憬和成为英雄的渴望,随部队一同开往了沙特,在荒漠中静候着进攻伊拉克的命令下达。 |
Swollen The swollen river burst its bank.
涨起的河水决了堤。 |
Swollen or distended beyond normal size by fluid or gaseous material.
肿胀的液体或气体材料超过正常尺寸的肿胀或膨胀 |
Sword - Indicates the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue in warlike deeds.
长剑-象征剑的佩有者在格斗中具备公正、宽恕的美德。 |