INTRODUCTION :The red ball is considered as celestial body and its geometric frame work is thought as space on physics.
作品简介:红色的球体可以被看作是天体,几何形的边框结构,可以理解为宇宙空间物理学上的阐释。 |
INTRODUCTION :The sculpture represents a champion cycling fast on the lane to send the best wishes to all the master sportsman who will be attending the 2008 Olympic in Beijing.
作品简介:作品表现的是一个自行车赛手飞驰于赛道之上。2008年奥林匹克运动会将在北京举行,衷心祝愿中国体育健儿们取得优异的成绩。 |
INTRODUCTION :The sculpture shows the granite interweave together. Being a bizarred view. The wright let hard stone can be weaving as if soft knitting wool.
作品简介:作品巧妙的使石条相互穿插而过,产生视觉上奇异的效果,原本坚硬的石条如同柔软的毛线一般可任人编织。 |
INTRODUCTION :The sculpture “Column” is a movement of a pecise and seasonable idea, but it grows organically like a flower.
作品简介:柱以运动的形态表现精确而理智的思想,却又象充满生机的花朵一般,向上生长。 |
INTRODUCTION :The work back us brick to the barren years that we used to suffer, In stead of this, three innocent girls are playing happily.
作品简介:作品仿佛将我们带回那个荒蛮贫瘠的年代,三个天真无邪少女做着“编花篮的游戏”,她们的胸前带着标记着那个年代的的像章。 |
INTRODUCTION :This is a female's torso, through which the author depicts the recovery of life in Spring.
作品简介:作品通过对女性的躯干描写,反映了春天万物复苏、生机勃勃的自然景色。 |
INTRODUCTION :This sculpture demonstrates the conflict between the order of mechanized society and the human nature. One day man will be driven out of the earth with his own development.
作品简介:作品表现了机械化社会的秩序和人性的冲突。人类的发展,被逐出世界。 |
INTRODUCTION :This sculpture is a song of love.
作品简介:作品表现的是一曲爱之歌。 |
INTRODUCTION :Those slender lines and silhouettes rising upword to the sky reflect infinite.
作品简介:两条长线和直立进入天空的轮廓表现了两个天真的女孩。 |
INTRODUCTION :Through the close connection of mother and baby baboon, the sculpture reflects peace and harmony in a family.
作品简介:小狒狒亲昵地依偎在母亲的怀里,仔细的为着母狒狒捕捉虱子。多么温馨感人的家庭场景。 |
INTRODUCTION :Through the obstract image, expresses such a state that the sea is wide enongh for the fish to spring the sky is spacious enough for the birds to fly.
作品简介:作品用鸟的抽象形象,表达一种“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”的意境。 |