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B:Dose he drink whiskey?

B:Do you have the phone number?I need to call for registration. 你有电话号码吗?我要打电话去报名。
B:Do you still remember how our filing system works ? 你还记得我们的档案系统是如何运作的吗?
B:Does he ever come home late? 他有没有很晚才回来过?
B:Don't mention it. It's a least I can do for a friend.By a way, you can do me a favor in a return. 不客气,这是我为朋友起码可以做到的。顺便一提,你能帮我个忙作为囬报吗?
B:Don't sweat it. I had a good time anyway. 别多心了。反正我玩得很愉快。
B:Dose he drink whiskey? 他喝威士忌吗?
B:Eight, please. We're the Chinese Tennis Team. Can we buy a group round-trip ticket? 八张票。 我们是中国网球队,我们可以买一张团体往返票吗?
B:Eighty cents,please.And please write down the zip code in the mailing address.Anything else? 八十美分.请在通讯地址处写上邮政编码.还要别的吗?
B:Elize and I are planning to tun an accessory shop. 依莎莉与我计划开设一间饰物店.
B:English is my mother tongue. 英语是我的母语。
B:Especially if you're a modern art lover. 尤其是你这个现代艺术爱好者。

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