You will receive a form prompting you for several pieces of information relating to publication.
稍后您将得到几个有关出版信息的表单,并要求您填写。 |
You will receive a message asking you to confirm the transaction. Key in <6-digit PIN>, send to 22121 and wait for SMS confirmation.
你将会收到要求再次确定的短讯。打入你自己的<密码>,然后发送到22121,等待短讯确定。 |
You will receive data from GROSS GEORG GMBH CO not only for Brake service but also for Commercial vehicles.
GROSS GEORG GMBH CO公司积累了多年经验,在自己的网页上这家企业为您介绍其它的专门产品,例如关于制动器服务,载货汽车。 |
You will receive data from Heinrich Romberg GmbH &Co. KG not only for Mail box facility but also for House door fillings.
KG是一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如信箱设施,门,成型加工系统。 |
You will receive data from MUNTERS GMBH not only for Air dehumidification devices but also for Air-conditioning and ventilation technology.
MUNTERS GMBH是一家现代化、值得信赖的产品供应商,该供应商从事空气干燥装置、空气保干装置,空调和通风技术的制造和销售。 |
You will receive data from TEAM COLOR GMBH not only for Laboratory consultation but also for Market research services.
TEAM COLOR GMBH公司积累了多年经验,在自己的网页上这家企业为您介绍其它的专门产品,例如关于实验咨询,市场调查、市场调研。 |
You will receive data from ZAABEL HORST GMBH not only for High-quality steel products but also for Products of steel.
ZAABEL HORST GMBH是一家知名的、诚信的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如优质钢产品,钢制产品。 |
You will receive data from beijing science and power safety instruments co., ltd. not only for Combustible gas but also for Gas supply.
提供关于火灾区内瓦斯、(矿内)自燃气体以及煤气供应的信息。 |
You will receive data from changchun huanli environmental protection equipment co., ltd. not only for Waste treatment but also for Waste treatment.
废物处理、废物处理设备和蛭石(绝热材料)是我们文件中的一部分,请您电话垂询更多信息。 |
You will receive data from changchun yuanxin cleaning articles factory not only for Neutralization but also for Carpet cleaning.
是一家集团企业,该集团提供钢产品、金属粉末和铁族金属,并专业从事脱脂、给…加盐、把盐放到…里以及中和、中和处理业务。 |
You will receive data from dalian guangming cutter factory not only for Thread cutter but also for thread cutter.
提供刀具附件、螺纹切削器和机床附件产品,此外,剪线器的产品供应已就绪。 |