John Edwards says it is “a betrayal” for Congress not to stop Mr Bush sending more troops now.
约翰?爱德华兹称国会不阻止布什总统的增兵计划有负于民众。 |
John F. Kennedy assassination: Alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is mortally shot by Jack Ruby in Dallas, Texas on live national television.
1963年,约翰F·肯尼迪遇刺案:怀疑实施暗杀的嫌犯利·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德在德州的达拉斯现场电视转播时,被杰克·鲁比的子弹射杀身亡。 |
John F. Kennedy assassination: John F. Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
1963年,肯尼迪刺杀案:约翰F·肯尼迪在阿林顿国家公墓被安葬。 |
John F. Kennedy won the 1960 election with the support of organized labor and was assassinated in the third year of his first term.
在工会的支持下,约翰·F·肯尼迪赢得了1960年的选举,在他第一个任期的第三年遇刺身亡。 |
John F. Kennedy: Congratulations, how do you feel?
肯尼迪:祝贺你,你感觉怎么样? |
John F. Murphy, Force and Arms,in The United Nations and International Law, ed. by Christopher C. Joyner (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 97-130.
杨永明,「国际法与禁止武力使用和威胁」,美欧月刊,第十一卷,第二期,民八十五年二月,页92—108。 |
John Farra, a former Winter Olympian from Caribou who trained by running up a ski slope with 80 pounds of mortar mix, won the seventh annual North American Wife Carrying Championship on Saturday at Sunday River.
第七届北美年度背老婆锦标赛于上周六在星期日河地区举行,来自加?堨说]美国缅因州北部)的前冬奥会冠军约翰·法拉获得比赛冠军,他赛前的训练是背80磅重的混凝土包跑上一个滑雪坡。 |
John Ferrier bowed coldly. He had guessed who his visitors were.
约翰.费瑞尔冷冷的朝他们鞠了一躬。他已经猜出他们是谁了。 |
John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one s own fire.
约翰·福斯特认为天赋是点燃自己热情的力量。 |
John Frame: Increasingly difficult to determine whether a scholar's hermeneutics is orthodox.
今天尤其在解经(释经学)方面,如何判断一位神学家是否正统,越来越困难。 |
John G. Fleming, An Introduction to the Law of Torts, Clarendon Press?Oxford, 1968, p.16.
王泽鉴:《侵权行为法之危机及其发展趋势》,《民法学说与判例研究?第二册》。 |