Even though the biofuel boom is only just beginning, it has already pushed up the cost of staples in places like Mexico where tortilla prices have sparked angry protests.
虽然生质能源热潮才刚开始,不过已造像是墨西哥等部分地区的主食价格上扬,当地墨西哥玉米薄饼涨价已引发火爆的示威活动。 |
Even though the content components are registered now, nothing interesting will happen, because there exists only a programmatic way of adding and editing the new components.
尽管内容组件现在已经被注册了,可程式看上去并不是那麽吸引人,原因在于这里只存在通过程式方式增加和编辑新组件,而普通用户则需要通过用户界面来操作。 |
Even though the days are warm during the summer, the nights still cool things off.
那边的夏季白天虽然暖和,但到了夜晚还是会凉下来。 |
Even though the debug information generated by -V makes the resulting executable file larger, it does not affect the actual code in the executable, and does not require additional memory to run the program.
虽然附加调试信息到查执行文件中会使可执行文件增大,但是它并不影响实际可执行文件中的可执行代码,也不需要额外的内存来启动程序。 |
Even though the economy has been adding hundreds of thousands of jobs almost every month this year, stagnant wages could put a dent in the prospects for economic growth, some economists say.
一些经济学家说,虽然今年以来几乎每月都能增加数以万计的工作岗位,但滞后的工资可能会降低人们对经济增长的期望。 |
Even though the economy is bad, and sales have gone down a lot, I think we have a good chance to turn things around.
虽然经济不景气,销路大为下降,我认为我们还是有扭转颓势的机会。 |
Even though the images flashed up for just 50 milliseconds, roughly the duration of a single frame of standard television footage, their verdicts tallied well with judgements made after a longer period of scrutiny.
即使这些图像只闪现50毫秒,大约是一帧标准电视镜头的持续时间,但他们的判断也与长时间仔细研究后做出的判断非常相符。 |
Even though the last 3 finals have featured english teams?
即使如此,为什么还有三支英国球队出现在半决赛中? |
Even though the mis-statement is unintentional, the underwriter will still be deceived and the policy voidable.
尽管错误的陈述是无意的,但保险人还是受到欺骗。从而保险合同无效。 |
Even though the new rules are supposed to punish the teams that have relied on clutching and grabbing, as we've seen from Utah for years, just take a look.
尽管联盟新规则应该处罚依靠抓抢的球队,象我们多年从犹他看到的,看一下吧。 |
Even though the old woman pleaded with him, he said he had no bracelet that she could afford to buy.
无论老奶奶怎么恳求他,他都推说没有她们买得起的手镯。 |