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Announcing or presenting any password at anywhere is FORBIDDEN.

Announcer: And now comin out on the track are the horses for the sixth race. 讲解员:现在,出现在跑道上的是第六场的参赛马。
Announcer: Emergency! Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately. 广播:紧急情况!发现炸药,所有非EOD人员紧急疏散!
Announcer: Repeat. Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately. 广播:重复,发现炸药,所有非EOD人员紧急疏散。
Announcer: Wait a minute, you're just repeating everything I say! 报幕员:等一下,你只是在重复我说过的话!
Announces ourcountry to the foreign capital bank comprehensive open Renminbiservice. 宣布我国向外资银行全面开放人民币业务。
Announcing or presenting any password at anywhere is FORBIDDEN. 非公开领域之口令,禁止在任何地方直接或是明显的公开。
Announcing the latest results, microbiology professor Malik Peiris said the virus was thought to be able to survive in open air for up to three hours. 微生物学教授马力可.皮尔里斯在宣布他的最新研究成果时所,这种病毒可以在户外生存3个小时.
Annoyance at having to think about myself in order to answer these questions. 比较烦-为了回答这些问题得想关于自己的东西。
Annoying and definitely unsightly, cold sores, also called fever blisters or Herpes simplex, are groups of painful, fluid-filled blisters. 让人懊恼的和不悦目的唇疱疹,也叫单纯疱疹,是成组的,让人疼痛的,充满液体的水泡。
Annual Compensation : It carries a starting?recompense?per annum of not less than 50,000 RMB – the actual amount being commensurate with the candidates' qualifications. 每年的补贴:博士后年薪由两部分组成:a)中国统一的博士后薪金;b)研究小组提供的科研奖励。
Annual billable hours for staff, which has been low ever since the tight labor market emerged in 2000, had increased slightly each year since 2004. 员工的年度计费工作时间,在经历了始于2000年的劳动力市场短缺所导致的减少之后,从2004年起略有增加。

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