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And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.

And they are as old as civilization itself. 面具的历史如同其所处之文明发展史同样古老。
And they are basing those changes to the curriculum on scientific evidence. 并且,他们正基于这些科学证据试图把这些变革应用到课程中去。
And they are even doing pretty well at crossword puzzles. 而它们在纵横字谜游戏中也有着优异表现。
And they are excited about its possibilities. 他们为这种可能性而兴奋不已。
And they are going to have it. 他们一定会获得自由。
And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs. 21他们听见人说,你教训一切在外邦的犹太人,离弃摩西,对他们说,不要给孩子行割礼,也不要遵行条规。
And they are looking for volunteers to carry the torch. 他们正在寻找火炬传递的志愿者。
And they are still waiting on BC. 并且他们仍然在等待燃烧的远征。
And they are studying whether the nation's booming housing market is helping push up consumer prices. 他们正在研究全国房屋市场的急速发展,是否推高消费价格。
And they are surprisingly uniform, given that they begin as natural rubber and wool, which vary with every barge and bale. 虽然数目如此庞大,产品却出奇一致,尤其网球的原料还是天然橡胶和羊毛,每批往往都不一样。
And they are there to this day. 直到今日,那石头还在那里。

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