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Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration.

Much still hangs, however, on whether China can replicate the energy-efficient gains it made through 2000, Levine says. 问题还是很悬的,2000年定的目标是否能够达到呢?
Much study of ancient human remains and shelters seems to show that groups of Homo sapiens left Africa and entered Asia via the Middle East. 最初的原人生活在东非,特别在大裂谷附近,但是后来他们开始离开原来居住的森林,向四周移民,要闯荡世界。
Much teacher training is done in universities in the north of England, where pupil numbers are falling, rather than in the south-east, where immigration keeps numbers up. 大部分教师培训是在英格兰北部的大学中完成的,那里学生的数量正在不断下降,而在英格兰的东南部却有着越来越多的移民。
Much thanks your favour of yesterday with a cheque, value$600,000, which we have passed to your credit. 谢谢您昨日来函。同函附寄的面额600,000元支票一张,我们已记入贵方贷方帐户。
Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inaugural. 杰斐逊就任总统的那个年代离我们已经很远了。
Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. 杰斐逊来这里宣誓就职的盛况早已消失在历史的长河中。
Much to her delight, she got the job. 令她高兴的是,她得到了那份工作。
Much to her delight, the new clothes accepted her with open arms! 让她非常高兴的是,新衣服们都热情地欢迎她!
Much to her dismay, Vivien abandoned the academy, at Leigh's request, once they became serious about marriage. 但沮丧的是,当他们正式开始谈婚论嫁时,费雯在利的要求下不得不放弃了学院的学习。
Much to his chagrin, he come last in the race. 他因跑个倒数第一而垂头丧气。
Much to his chagrin, he do not win the race. 他没能赢那场比赛,大为懊丧。

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