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Like a jazz album or something?

Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests let all my life take its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee. 让我所有的诗歌,聚集起不同的调子,在我向你合十膜拜之中,成爲一股洪流,倾注入静寂的大海。
Like a game of telephone gone horribly wrong, the space commission quoted a low-ranking Chinese military officer who had been quoting U.S. sources. 这就像孩子们玩的打电话游戏,话传到最后已面目全非:太空委员会引述中国低级别军官的文章作为报告依据,而后者又是引述美国的资料撰写成文的。
Like a good pilot, he not only runs the shooting match but does the toughest job himself. 作为一个好的飞行员,他不仅总揽全局还亲自承担最艰巨的工作。
Like a good secretary, she kept the boss's desk in apple-pie order. 她像一位好秘书,把老板的书桌收拾的整整齐齐。
Like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd, each will return to his own people, each will flee to his native land. 14人必像被追赶的鹿,像无人收聚的羊,各归回本族,各逃到本土。
Like a jazz album or something? 一张爵士专辑或是什麽的。
Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King. 就像一只羔羊一样,这位弥赛亚,基督君王走了过来。
Like a lion he will leave his lair, and their land will become desolate because of the sword of the oppressor and because of the LORD'S fierce anger. 38他离了隐密处像狮子一样,他们的地,因刀剑凶猛的欺压,又因他猛烈的怒气都成为可惊骇的。
Like a long elegy made of memory and life, the author sang for the ancient city alone which had disappeared in his heart. 犹如一首用记忆和生命编织的悠长挽歌,作者独自一人吟唱给他心中已经消失了的古城。
Like a magnet attracted nails, make-up attracted her. 像磁铁吸引钉子一样,化妆品吸引着她。
Like a man dying for many days, he is numb to the stench. 就好像死了几天的人,已经对恶臭毫无知觉。

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