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B: Pull over quickly,otherwise you could seize the motor.

B: One can't consider price separately from quality. 不能只看价格,不看质量。
B: One hundred dollars a night. 一百美金一夜。
B: One way or another we've got to get this project done. 无论如何,我们一定要把这个计划完成。
B: Please do! I'm dying to know what's going on. 说吧!我正渴望了解所发生的一切呢。
B: Please remember to mention me to all my old friends in your company. 请代我问候你们公司所有我的老朋友。
B: Pull over quickly,otherwise you could seize the motor. 马上停车,不然会烧坏发动机的。
B: Right. Taipei City Government provides a 24-hour service all year round. Dial 1999, and our staff in charge will be right with you. 是的,台北市政府提供每天24小时全年无休的热线服务。拨打1999,即有专人接听为你服务。
B: She has excellent taste. 她的品味很好。
B: Smith? There s no Smith here. I m afraid you have the wrong number. 史密斯?这里没有姓史密斯的。恐怕您打错电话了。
B: Sure thing . And one more thing. Could you tell me how the telephone works? 那没问题。另外还有一件事,你能告诉我怎么使用电话吗?
B: Sure. Just take the MRT Bannan line and get off at Taipei City Hall Station. Or, you can also take Bus 281 or Blue 12 to get there. 当然可以!你只需搭乘捷运板南线在市政府站下车。或者,你也可以搭乘281或蓝12路公车。

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