DLPZ(F) (former model PZDF) distribution box with kinds of control functions is designed according to component model, specification and quantity, because the size of box body is various, the box body can be chosen optionally according to size of installi
原型号PZDF)是一种根据元件型号规格、数量设计组装成各种控制功能的配电箱,由于箱体的尺寸规格多样根据安装元件的尺寸大小可任意选择箱体使结构达到完美的组合。 |
DLPZ(R) (former model PZDR) distribution box with kinds of control functions is designed according to component model, specification and quantity, because the size of box body is various, the box body can be chosen optionally according to size of installi
原型号PZDR)是一种根据元件型号、规格、数量、设计组装或各种控制功能的配电箱,由于箱的尺寸规格多样,根据安装元件尺寸大小可任意选择箱体,使结构达到完美的组合。 |
DLPZ(X) (former model PZDX) distribution box with kinds of control functions is designed according to component model, specification and quantity, because the size of box body is various, the box body can be chosen optionally according to size of installi
原型号PZDX)是一种根据元件型号、规格、数量设计组装成各种控制功能的配电箱,由于箱体的尺寸规格多样根据安装元件的尺寸大小可任意选择箱体使结构达到完美的组合。 |
DLZ1 series are a combination of mono-disc dry electromagnetic clutches and brakes.
DLZ1系列是将干式单片电磁离合器、制动器结合在一起的组合体。 |
DM Patients were first divided into four different groups according to their utilization behaviors, then their outpatient expenses were aggregated and adjusted for ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
有鉴于此,本研究以健保局当前针对五种实施「论质计酬」疾病之-糖尿病为例,用过去的申报资料来评估探讨到底糖尿病患的照护是由少数医师和/或少数医疗院所来照护在医疗资源耗用管控上会有较佳的效果。 |
DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB.
210德国马克折合人民币400元。 |
DMAE can rapidly improve the appearance of sagging skin and also boosts the effects of other anti-oxidants.
二甲氨基乙醇是抗氧化剂,可有助稳固细胞膜,对抗自由基,可迅速改善下垂肌肤,加强其他抗氧化剂功效。 |
DMAE is an anti-oxidant that helps stabilise cell membranes so helps protects cell membranes from being attacked by free radicals.
二甲氨基乙醇是抗氧化剂,可有助稳固细胞膜,对抗自由基,可迅速改善下垂肌肤,加强其他抗氧化剂功效。 |
DMB currently has a head start because the transmission aerials already exist and receivers are already on the market in Korea.
DMB格式目前占得优势,因为发信天线是现成的,而且韩国市场已经推出接收器(手机)。 |
DMC guarantees personal benefits roundly and sets up the steady, safe and effective social security system in order to solve the problems about medical treatment program and retirement plan generally concerned by the crew.
大连远洋船员管理公司全方位保障船员个人利益,为船员建立了稳定、安全、长效的社会保障体系,彻底解决船员在医疗、养老等方面的后顾之忧。 |
DMC has consistently been devoted to crew training, and has established an independent talent assessment system, and developed some new methods of promotion plan, e.g. let crew go abroad for further education, make senior crew train new crew, or arrange t
大连远洋船员管理公司一贯注重船员培养,建立了自主的人才评估体系,针对每年船员提职计划,采取到国外深造、在船以老带新、到机关挂职等方式,促使船员快速成才。 |