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The only difference between our Churches in their opinions of the certainty of their doctrines is, the Church of Rome is infallible, and the Church of England is never in the wrong.

The only cure for grief is action. 行动是对悲痛唯一的治疗。
The only cure is to get away to an island resort. 唯一的解决方法就是躲到一座风光宜人的小岛去。
The only dance I could do. My country is a beautiful garden! 跳舞只会一个动作,我们的祖国是花园!
The only daughter of Emperor Akihito has been formally betrothed -- at 35 years old, one of an increasing number of Japanese women who have chosen to wait for their wedding bells. 日本明仁天皇唯一的女儿在她35岁的时候正式订婚了。现在越来越多的日本女性选择耐心等待结婚典礼上的钟声响起,她也是其中的一位。
The only difference and significant difference is that we will make buys that will balance the squad in every department whereas Real have started to purchase players with marketing power ala Ronaldo and Beckham!! 我们和皇马之间唯一的不同,也是显著的不同,在于我们的购买将使球队的每个位置保持平衡,而非象皇马那样只是为了市场效应购入罗纳尔多和贝克汉姆。
The only difference between our Churches in their opinions of the certainty of their doctrines is, the Church of Rome is infallible, and the Church of England is never in the wrong. 他们的观点认为他们的教条是无误的,而且我们两教廷之间的唯一不同之处就在于:一个说罗马教廷是不会错的,另一个说英格兰教廷是不会错的。
The only difference between the two versions of creme de cacao is color. 这两种可可甜酒除了色泽之外没有任何差别。
The only difference is now you are old enough, smart enough, confident enough, and strong enough to take on any challenge that life wants to throw at you and to realize your dreams on your terms. 惟一不同的就是你现在已经足够成熟、足够聪明、足够自信,强壮得足以应付人生中迎面而来的挑战,用自己的方式实现自己的梦想。
The only difference is that the depth compared with the depth buffer is not the depth from the quad, but the depth from the quad augmented by the depth stored in the particle texture. 唯一的区别是与深度缓存中深度值比较的不是来自矩形的深度,而是来自矩形的深度加上粒子纹理中储存的深度。
The only difference is that we're not creating ISK out of thinair from CONCORD (Infusion) but rather giving you perishable items(Sink) which other players pay you for. 唯一的差别就是从统合部凭空变出的ISK被改成了更加独特的各种物品。让其他的玩家付钱给你。
The only difference is that your Forbidden City fun will be online. 不过,其中唯一的区别就是你的紫禁城之旅是在网络之中。

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