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During the image acquisition process of an automatic iris recognition system, unqualified iris images are probably rejected (Failure to Enroll).

During the continuing culture procedure ,however, MS Culture Medius containing ,-D .0mg/L and -BA 0. mg/L will be better. 在愈伤组织继代过程中,以附加有,-D .0 mg/L和-BA 0. mg/的MS培养基为佳。
During the course of evolution, the development of the information carrier is saltant:DNA, brain, and develop ment of the information carrier out of body in the end--writing, paper and network. 生命体在进化过程中 ,信息载体存在跃迁式的进化梯级 :DNA、脑 ,最后在人类发展出体外信息载体———文字、纸张与网络 .
During the enforcement this "National Project" in the new century,western areas should master three orientations:Opening to outside world in the field of education,four Facings,and the principles according with local conditions. 在实施这一新世纪“国家工程”中,西部地区应注意把握好三个定位,即:实现教育的开放,四个面向,以及坚持因地制宜的原则。
During the feedback control, the quantity of alum can be adjusted by collecting final water nephelo. 反馈控制中,通过采集出水浊度,反馈调节加矾量;
During the flowering-boll stage, the insect resistance of small squares, small bud and stamen in hybrid F was apparently higher than that in the parents. 在花铃期杂交F的不同器官的抗虫性差异较大 ,杂交F叶片的抗虫性低于抗虫亲本 ,花蕊、幼蕾、幼铃等生殖器官的抗虫性好于其抗虫亲本。
During the image acquisition process of an automatic iris recognition system, unqualified iris images are probably rejected (Failure to Enroll). 在自动虹膜识别系统的图像采集过程中,不符合标准的虹膜图像可能被系统拒绝登录(“注册失败”)。
During the operation ossiculars disorders were found in cases,soft connections between incus and stapes in and stapoincus joint dislocations in .Ossicular chain reconstruction were done in 0 cases. 术中见 耳为听小骨病变 , 耳为砧镫关节纤维组织软连接 ,耳为砧镫关节脱位。
During the oviposition stage, adult female secreted wax threads by its ventral multilocular disc-pores to form its ovisac. 雌成虫产卵期由腹面多格腺分泌丝状蜡结成卵囊。
During the past year,0.8% of the subjects have thought to commit suicide or injure themselves deliberately and 0.% have really done. 过去年内0.8%的想过自杀或故意伤害自己,0.%的有过自杀或故意伤害自己的行为。
During the period 8- July 99,over 0 fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. 99年7月8日至日期间,彗星苏梅克-列维9(SL-9)的超过0块碎片与木星发生了相撞.
During the period from 97-98,80 cases with small-cell carcinomaof the lung were treated with cyclop hosphamide, vincristine (CO); cyclophosphamide, vincri-stine, methotrexate (COM); cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, prednisone (C OMP ); 本文总结我院97—98年80例小细胞末分化型肺癌用环磷酰胺、长春新碱(CO):环磷酰胺、长春新碱、氨甲喋呤(COM):环磷酰胺、长春新碱、氨甲喋呤、强的松(COMP’):环磷酰胺、长春新碱、氨甲喋呤,甲基苄肼(COMP)四种方案的疗效。

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