Jackson type estimate for rational approximation for Müntz system {xλ_n} with λ_n■ 0
Mǖntz系统{xλ_n}(λ_n↘0)有理逼近的Jackson型估计 |
James Baldwin has been considered one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century.
詹姆斯·鲍德温是二十世纪美国著名的黑人作家。 |
James Baldwin's Literary Patricide and African American Literature Turn
詹姆斯·鲍德温的文学“弑父”与美国黑人文学的转向 |
Janeway CA Jr et al enriched this hypothesis in the later, suggesting that innate immunity initiates acquired immune response and controls the types of response through pattern-recognition.
Janeway CA Jr等充实了这一理论,提出天然免疫通过模式识别作用启动获得性免疫应答并左右其应答类型。 |
January ,February and December were predilection season,.9% patients were gastric ulcer, 7.% were oldster.
果:无症状性消化性溃疡并出血患者占消化性溃疡并出血患者总数的 8.9%,男女比例为.:,以~月及月为高发季节,胃溃疡并出血者占.9%,年龄>0岁例,占 7.%。 |
Japan Refines Maglev Technology
日本改进磁悬浮技术 |
Japan's Teacher- Training: A Dualist and Closed System ——Problems Confronting Japan's University Teachers' Credential Courses
日本教师养成教育体制的特点新证:双元制与闭锁性——从日本大学运营教师资格证书课程出现的问题谈起 |
Japanese invader used education as arms to invade China, trained colonial ruler, vainly attempted to conquer China by ideological struggle, at the same time, served the war.
实质就是日本帝国主义以教育为手段,在河北培养殖民统治者,妄图从思想上征服中国人民,同时为其侵略战争服务。 |
Jarring Cutting and its Applications in Machine-made
机械加工中的振动切削及其应用 |
Jejuno—Interposed Gastroenterostomy—An Improved Reconstitution of Gastroenteric Canals
空肠移植间置术——胃肠道重建术的改进 |
JiLin University Regards
吉林大学校友总会致海内外校友的新春慰问信 |