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Results mRNA expression of MMP-9 in the placenta accreta was ( .±0.7) copies/μg total RNA, significantly higher (P<0.0) than that of normal placenta [( .8±0.) copies/μg total RNA)].
果 胎盘粘连组及正常胎盘组产妇MMP9mRNA表达水平分别为( .8±0.)和( .±0.7)copy/μg,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.0);

Results from 008 hours of continuous operation of the industrial plant showed that the average conversion of n butene was 70.% and the average selectivity to butadiene was 89.8%. 在与H-98催化剂相近的操作条件下,在008小时的连续运转中,获得了平均丁二烯收率70.%,平均丁二烯选择性89.8%的结果。
Results from the development of a rotational speed adaptive absorber according to the Salomon principle are presented as an example. 根据Salomon原理对转速适应型减振器的发展进行评价则是一个例子。
Results indicat that for D_(0), values were .. 0.7. 0.07. 0.08 kGy respectively. At0 kGy levels of treatment Bezoar detoxification powher, the number of micro-or-ganisms is zero. 果表明,以上各菌辐射杀伤的D_(0)值分别为.、0.7、0.07和0.08kGy,牛黄解毒粉经0kGy辐照后,能达到灭菌效果。
Results indicate that pointed memory, association learning, image remembrance, the recognizance of senseless pictures,associated rernembrance of portait features, memory quotient(MQ) had obvious difference between study group and control group(P<0.0). 果发现NIDDM患者的指向记忆、联想学习、图像自由回忆、无意义图形再认识、人像特点联想回忆、记忆商(MQ)等明显低于正常人;
Results indicated that the resultant cybrid cells are characterized by the appearance of hemoglobin and its expression might be served as a marker for the cybrids. 果与电镜和流式细胞光度计的实验结果一致,表明珠蛋白基因产物血红蛋白住杂交细胞中,能够表达并成为融合细胞的标志。
Results mRNA expression of MMP-9 in the placenta accreta was ( .±0.7) copies/μg total RNA, significantly higher (P<0.0) than that of normal placenta [( .8±0.) copies/μg total RNA)]. 果 胎盘粘连组及正常胎盘组产妇MMP9mRNA表达水平分别为( .8±0.)和( .±0.7)copy/μg,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.0);
Results of amino acid sequencing show that the N-terminal of ABP is blocked, but the 90 ×0 fragment has an N-terminal sequece of ATEKDLAEDAP, which is the same as the T0 fragment in human smooth muscle filamin. 氨基酸顺序分析结果显示ABP分子的N-端被封闭,90×0~ 片段N-端的前个氨基酸顺序为ATEKDLAE OAP,与人平滑肌细胞的细丝蛋白分子中T0片段相同。
Results of calculation using the method of this paper shows that, for a frequency ranging from . to 000 Hz, the work per unit time transmitted to the hand from the handle of chipping hammers is as much as .7×0J/ s, and even more from the chisel. 论指出,在. ~000Hz范围以内,由风镐手柄传入手中的单位时间的功为.7×0~J·S~(-),而由风镐凿子传入手中的单位时间的功则更多。
Results of simulated field trial dem-onstrated that wiping with water solution containing 000 mg / L peracetic acid with a 0 min contact time killed over 90.00% of natural bacteria on surfaces. 模拟现场试验结果证明,以含000 mg/L过氧乙酸水溶液擦拭并作用0 min,对物体表面自然菌的杀灭率达90.00%以上;
Results of simulation show the the computing speed is fast and it's wieldy realization. 仿真结果表明,该方法计算速度快,易于实现。
Results of studies on the product and dead-end inhibition kinetics were in agreement with an orderde Bi Bi mechanism as proposed by Wratten and Cleland. 对该酶的产物抑制及端点抑制动力学研究结果支持Wratten和Cleland提出的序列有序机制。

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