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The only comment is that our Cat´s Best Öko Plus (the clumping litter) is not advisable for rabbits, because of the clumping effect.

The only choice you have is to become either a negative brand, undifferentiated brand, or a powerful, motivating brand. 你只有一个选择,要么是你的品牌看上去不易被人接受或者毫无特色,要么就把它塑造成一个强大的,具有轰动效应的品牌。
The only clear and relevant observation that may be made in his case is that he died on the other side of the cross, i.e. under the dominion of the Old Covenant, not the New Covenant. 显然在他的情况可以这样看,就是他死在十字架的另一边,即是说他受旧的约所束绑,而不是受新的约所限制。
The only clear indication of preference for informal help was found in parenting problem. 在某些方面,较多人喜欢向亲友求助,但衹有在儿女管教上是有较爲显著的分别。
The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette. 鉴定谋杀者的唯一线索是一枝吸了一半的香烟.
The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette. 唯一的对于凶手的身份的提示是一支抽了一半的香烟。
The only comment is that our Cat´s Best Öko Plus (the clumping litter) is not advisable for rabbits, because of the clumping effect. 唯一的建议是关于我们的红标-凝结型木屑砂,因为他有凝结效果。
The only company in Thailand with long format animation experience. 是泰国仅有的拥有丰富动画制作经验的公司。
The only components that are permitted to be removed for shipping are the 4 side guide sections and 1 tail section per chassis. 每个底盘在付运时准许卸除的唯一部件就是四边的引导部份和一个尾部。
The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket. 他对气候的唯一让步就是穿了一件白色的短餐衣。
The only consolation may be that it is still early. 唯一的慰藉是时间还早。
The only corporation specialized in R&D and manufacture of professional stage lighting and architecture lighting control system in China. 中国唯一一家同时从事专业舞台灯光与智能环境艺术照明控制系统研发和生产的企业。

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