The Dictionary of Physics is the only major reference source in the vast and dynamic field of physics that caters to both the undergraduate and graduate student.
在这个广阔而又日新月舁的物理学领域,《物理学词典》作为唯一一部重要的参考工具书同时满足了大学生与研究生的需要,并且弥合了文献与教育课本之间的断层。 |
The Diet in Japan corresponds to the American Congress.
日本的议会相当于美国的国会。 |
The Diet will vote for a new prime minister on Tuesday, and Fukuda is expected to win because the LDP controls a stable majority in the Lower House.
国会将于周二选举新首相,因为自民党控制了下院的多数席位,所以福田当选是意料之中。 |
The Digital Collection of Museum needs to process its past (Objects Digitalization), nowadays (Cultural Heritage Annotated) and future (Knowledge Value-added and Managed); so that we need to regard it as a new vision, it is worthy for us to pay more atten
摘要博物馆数位典藏应探讨其过去(物件数位化)、现在(文物诠释)、未来(知识加值及经营)的做法与效益,因而需要有新的眼光来看待,其重要性及对博物馆数位资源的保存与再利用都值得重视。 |
The Digital Photogrammetric Workstations (DPW) have been used to produce map obtained by photogrammetric restitution of indoor work by most of internal survey departments.
摘要目前国内各大测绘单位的航测内业成图软件大多数选用了全数字摄影测量工作站。 |
The Dikes surrounding dike Mountain parallel a radial stress pattern that existed at the time the dikes were intruded.
岩脉山周围的岩脉与岩脉侵入时就已存在的放射状应力图象是相应的。 |
The Dilemma in Human Resource confronting the private-owned enterprises is mainly caused by the reasons like: the system harrier of family mode of management, the unconsummated operation; lack of innovation and brand awareness and insufficient enterprise
摘要民营企业在发展中遇到的人力资源困境,是由家族式管理方式的制度障碍、公司治理结构不完善、缺乏创新和品牌意识、企业文化氛围不浓等原因造成的。 |
The Dimethyl Sulfate has an annual output of 15,000 tons.
同时我司也是国内最大的磺胺类产品出口基地。 |
The Dining Department provides all delicious.The SeaViewing Chamber,a Chinese restaurant,together with fourteen Hangzhou Food and all kinds of sea food.
餐饮部将为您提供美味佳肴。“望海楼”中餐厅和14个风格各异的包厢、酒吧、咖啡厅为您呈献传统的杭邦菜,大、小海鲜和东西方各式美食,令您回味无穷。 |
The Dining Room has 300 seats restaurant and RTV rooms.
拥有300人座位的餐厅及包房,令宾客尽情享受风味各异的美味佳肴。 |
The Diploma Program is for sixteen to eighteen year olds.
文凭是为16到18岁的人提供的。 |