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On it, I see the freedom reign.

On introducing the development of CMMs, this paper proposes a new concept-Virtual Coordinate Measuring Machine (VCMM) in application of virtual reality, expounds the concept, construction and building method of VCMM, describes the running environment of m 本文简要地介绍了传统三坐标测量机发展的现状,结合虚拟现实技术,提出了三坐标测量机的一个新的发展方向-虚拟坐标测量机(VCMM),同时阐述了虚拟坐标测量机的概念、组成和实验方法,并说明了活动桥式虚拟坐标测量机的运行环境。
On issues where no significant study data were available, evidence was obtained from expert committee reports or was based on the actual consensus of experts in the field of US and contrast enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) during the consensus conference. 在没有足够的研究数据时,证据的来源是专家委员会报告,或者建立在大会上超声和超声造影(CEUS)领域专家的一致意见上。
On it hang both the health of many of the baby-boomer generation as they reluctantly stare old age in the face and the financial health of rich countries' medical and social-security systems. 这个问题既事关婴儿潮一代中许多人的健康,因为他们正在无可奈何而又显而易见地老去;也事关富国的医疗和社会保障体系的财政健康。
On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 这一日你和你的儿女、仆婢、牲畜,并你城里寄居的客旅,无论何工都不可作,因为六日之内,耶和华造天。
On it's way back up, it then carries the gold atoms along with it and when the high pressures and temperatures decrease, the gold condenses into veins of pure metal. 当流水返回时便携带着金原子,一旦高温、高压开始减弱金就会以纯金属的方式浓缩在矿脉里。
On it, I see the freedom reign. 我看见了自由在上面.
On it, they explain why they did what they did: Ashley will be more comfortable at a smaller size; large breasts would have made lying down difficult; it will be easier to include her in family gatherings if she is lighter and easier to carry around. 他们解释说他们所作的一切:阿西雷保持较小的体型是为了更加方便,发育的胸部会使得她下蹲困难,这也使他们带阿西雷出去能够更加方便。
On item 1 for the owners agent I have gone to the broker and explained to them that we have not asked for any additional lashing and that the vessel needs to supply the lashing material from their stocks onboard. 在所有者代理的条款一上,我已经向经纪人并对他们解释说我们已经不要求任何额外条件以及船舱随车携带需要供应绳索材料.
On its chest there is the historical shield emblem of Moscow, which depicts a horseman piercing a dragon with his spear. 金鹰胸脯是莫斯科的历史盾徽,红色盾面上是一勇士骑在白马上执剑刺龙的图案。
On its face, that seems an odd combination. 表面上,这似乎是个古怪的结合。
On its own, this does not appear to constitute an adequate basis for an injunction. 但光凭这个理由不足以满足申请禁令的条件。

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